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  By sllynn

  有一篇是关于winter&united states法案的,看到开头还以为做过,结果是不一样的,开头说这个法案对native-american对水资源的权利界定不清楚,然后通篇反问句表现怎么不清楚,最后结论是这个法案造成了很多误会,题目也很简单。



  关于water right的一个文章,和以前读过的一个印第安人水权的文章完全不一样。这个文章不太长,一屏。

  v2 (700)


  然后作者就开始喋喋不休的反问这个说法到底是什么意思,到底是充分满足灌溉呢?灌溉要用多少呢?还是充分满足农业需求呢?还是在印第安人人口增加的基础上可以进一步增加他们使用水资源的量呢?这样做会不会损害非印第安人的权利呢?(此处有细节题和高亮题,只要看懂这两句话就很好回答,细节题大意是为什么作者说非印第安人权利将会受损呢?我选的是因为印第安人人口增长)然后继续反问在什么地方怎么具体应用这个法案呢?比如源头的水怎么分配?离源头有距离的地下水怎么办?需要开井吗?井开了之后的归属权给谁?…..BLABLA反问一堆之后,最后一句陈述句是说这些问题give rise to court间的争议。(有题,问主旨,选不是detail court的争议而是描述法案影响,好像是,大家具体再看题吧。)



  主要用反问句突出 the ambiguity of the court’s decision, open-end ruling creates many misinterpretations

  - one thesis question

  - one question focus on the right to develop land of non-native Americans, SA: the water right of native Americans will expand as their population expand – create difficulties for non-native Americans to develop land

  - 还有一道细节定位和一道内容推理题, 有一题答案大意应该是the underground water determines the amount of surface stream


  我记得有90行,而且作者用了八个问号质问在实际运用这个法律解决问题的时候所引起的误解! 而且句子特长,但题目不难,就是问主题及一个例子在句子中的作用,没有考得特别细!


  水权变体篇”,这次时说这个法案一直引发争议。其中说到水权是否应如法案所述仅用于灌溉(有题),那么印第安人如果要用水发展其他行业,如养鱼等就不行了,这不公平。后来又有人认为水权所指的水,定义不明确。是否应该包括地下水(有题),云云。通篇都是问号和争论。共 66行。还有文章的主旨题。




  今天70多行的阅读中出现了WINTER & WUTHER(就是GWD中裁定印第安人的哪个法律),开始我一下惊喜,谁知道通篇都是对这个法律中定义印第安人用水权利的两个定义的ambiguity 的发问,起码有7到8个正问和反问来发展文章,第一次见到这种写作模式。有主题题和取非题目。


  一篇时说一个法院的判决 about the water that can be used by the native american,大致说因为这个规定非常模糊,很容易造成误解,不知道native 是不是只限于使用地上水还是地下水,只用于灌溉还是所有的,如果native人口增加了,那他们所规定使用的水增加吗?就是一系列不同的 interpretation。


  1.印地安水權: Supreme Court 規定水權法案中,印地安人擁有水權的用途是irrigation.作者認為"irrigation"的範圍是open-ended的.接著提出很多反問: 印地安人除了灌溉之外,是否可以用作其他用途呢? 人口增加,使用的水可以增加嗎? 如果non-native american使用groundwater而影響到native american的水權時,該怎麼辦? 因為水權的解釋模糊,對於non-native american and native american都造成了影響, 最後一句說,low court and high court在水權的判決上也產生很多爭議(有題).另有主題題.





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  早在1908年,美国联邦最高法院就在一个具有里程碑意义的案例中裁决说,联邦政府所划分的印地安人保留区以及公共土地必须有充足的水资源来实现当初被建立的目的。这个案子叫“温斯特起诉联邦政府案”。案子的经过是这样的。几个在蒙塔拿的印第安人部落向法院控告在保留区附近开发土地的白人,把越来越多的水资源用来灌溉土地,并且让马群及牛群饮用。这些开发者和印第安人之间的关系到 1905年突然恶化,因为乾旱严重影响了当地的供水情况。于是,1851年划分保留区的美国政府就代表印第安人向法院控告了这些开发者,以避免保留区上游的水资源被用尽。联邦最高法院的裁决维护了印第安人部落的用水权。裁决说,水源上游的使用者不能通过建水坝或水库的方式减少印第安人保留灌溉所需的水资源。

  马克·谢里登律师解释了这个原则的实际运用方式。他说: “通过对温特斯案的判决,联邦最高法院承认了印第安人的优先用水权,并确定了印第安部落的用水量。他们设计了一种方法,把印第安人‘实际可灌溉的土地面积”的权利数量化,以此表明印第安人的用水权是建立在农业用水的基础之上的。联邦最高法院希望确定在保留区范围内有多大面积的土地从实际和经济效益的角度上看是可灌溉的。法院的做法是:使有关各方作出成本及利润分析,计算有多少可灌溉面积是符合经济效益、有利润的,以及灌溉过程中需要多少水等等。”




  GWD-10-Q25-Q28 N-3-Q20-Q23 N-2-Q23-Q26 G-10-Q25-Q28

  In Winters v. United States (1908), the Supreme Court held that the right to use waters flowing through or adjacent to the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation was reserved to American Indians by the treaty establishing the reservation. Although this treaty did not mention water rights, the Court ruled that the federal government, when it created the reservation, intended to deal fairly with American Indians by preserving for them the waters without which their lands would have been useless. Later decisions, citing Winters, established that courts can find federal rights to reserve water for particular purposes if (1) the land in question lies within an enclave under exclusive federal jurisdiction, (2) the land has been formally withdrawn from federal public lands — i.e., withdrawn from the stock of federal lands available for private use under federal land use laws — and set aside or reserved, and (3) the circumstances reveal the government intended to reserve water as well as land when establishing the reservation.

  Some American Indian tribes have also established water rights through the courts based on their traditional diversion and use of certain waters prior to the United States’ acquisition of sovereignty. For example, the Rio Grande pueblos already existed when the United States acquired sovereignty over New Mexico in 1848. Although they at that time became part of the United States, the pueblo lands never formally constituted a part of federal public lands; in any event, no treaty, statute, or executive order has ever designated or withdrawn the pueblos from public lands as American Indian reservations. This fact, however, has not barred application of the Winters doctrine. What constitutes an American Indian reservation is a question of practice, not of legal dinition, and the pueblos have always been treated as reservations by the United States. This pragmatic approach is buttressed by Arizona v. California (1963), wherein the Supreme Court indicated that the manner in which any type of federal reservation is created does not affect the application to it of the Winters doctrine. Therore, the reserved water rights of Pueblo Indians have priority over other

  citizens’ water rights as of 1848, the year in which pueblos must be considered to have become reservations.

  GWD-10-Q25 N-3-Q20 G-10-Q25:

  The author cites the fact that the Rio Grande pueblos were never formally withdrawn from public lands primarily in order to do which of the following?

  A. Suggest why it might have been argued that the Winters doctrine ought not to apply to pueblo lands

  B. Imply that the United States never really acquired sovereignty over pueblo lands

  C. Argue that the pueblo lands ought still to be considered part of federal public lands

  D. Support the argument that the water rights of citizens other than American Indians are limited by the Winters doctrine

  E. Suggest that federal courts cannot claim jurisdiction over cases disputing the traditional diversion and use of water by Pueblo Indians





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  GWD-10-Q26 N-3-Q21 G-10-Q26:

  The passage suggests that, if the criteria discussed in lines 16 – 32 were the only criteria for establishing a reservation’s water rights, which of the following would be true?

  A. The water rights of the inhabitants of the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation would not take precedence over those of other citizens.

  B. Reservations established bore 1848 would be judged to have no water rights.

  C. There would be no legal basis for the water rights of the Rio Grande pueblos.

  D. Reservations other than American Indian reservations could not be created with reserved water rights.

  E. Treaties establishing reservations would have to mention water rights explicitly in order to reserve water for a particular purpose.


  GWD-10-Q27 N-3-Q22 G-10-Q27:

  According to the passage, which of the following was true of the treaty establishing the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation?

  A. It was challenged in the Supreme Court a number of times.

  B. It was rescinded by the federal government, an action that gave rise to the Winters case.

  C. It cited American Indians’ traditional use of the land’s resources.

  D. It failed to mention water rights to be enjoyed by the reservation’s inhabitants.

  E. It was modified by the Supreme Court in Arizona v. California.

  GWD-10-Q28 N-3-Q23 G-10-Q28:

  The primary purpose of the passage is to

  A. trace the development of laws establishing American Indian reservations

  B. explain the legal bases for the water rights of American Indian tribes

  C. question the legal criteria often used to determine the water rights of American Indian tribes

  D. discuss evidence establishing the earliest date at which the federal government recognized the water rights of American Indians

  E. point out a legal distinction between different types of American Indian reservations

  答案:ACDB 相关链接




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  By sllynn

  有一篇是关于winter&united states法案的,看到开头还以为做过,结果是不一样的,开头说这个法案对native-american对水资源的权利界定不清楚,然后通篇反问句表现怎么不清楚,最后结论是这个法案造成了很多误会,题目也很简单。



  关于water right的一个文章,和以前读过的一个印第安人水权的文章完全不一样。这个文章不太长,一屏。

  v2 (700)


  然后作者就开始喋喋不休的反问这个说法到底是什么意思,到底是充分满足灌溉呢?灌溉要用多少呢?还是充分满足农业需求呢?还是在印第安人人口增加的基础上可以进一步增加他们使用水资源的量呢?这样做会不会损害非印第安人的权利呢?(此处有细节题和高亮题,只要看懂这两句话就很好回答,细节题大意是为什么作者说非印第安人权利将会受损呢?我选的是因为印第安人人口增长)然后继续反问在什么地方怎么具体应用这个法案呢?比如源头的水怎么分配?离源头有距离的地下水怎么办?需要开井吗?井开了之后的归属权给谁?…..BLABLA反问一堆之后,最后一句陈述句是说这些问题give rise to court间的争议。(有题,问主旨,选不是detail court的争议而是描述法案影响,好像是,大家具体再看题吧。)



  主要用反问句突出 the ambiguity of the court’s decision, open-end ruling creates many misinterpretations

  - one thesis question

  - one question focus on the right to develop land of non-native Americans, SA: the water right of native Americans will expand as their population expand – create difficulties for non-native Americans to develop land

  - 还有一道细节定位和一道内容推理题, 有一题答案大意应该是the underground water determines the amount of surface stream


  我记得有90行,而且作者用了八个问号质问在实际运用这个法律解决问题的时候所引起的误解! 而且句子特长,但题目不难,就是问主题及一个例子在句子中的作用,没有考得特别细!


  水权变体篇”,这次时说这个法案一直引发争议。其中说到水权是否应如法案所述仅用于灌溉(有题),那么印第安人如果要用水发展其他行业,如养鱼等就不行了,这不公平。后来又有人认为水权所指的水,定义不明确。是否应该包括地下水(有题),云云。通篇都是问号和争论。共 66行。还有文章的主旨题。




  今天70多行的阅读中出现了WINTER & WUTHER(就是GWD中裁定印第安人的哪个法律),开始我一下惊喜,谁知道通篇都是对这个法律中定义印第安人用水权利的两个定义的ambiguity 的发问,起码有7到8个正问和反问来发展文章,第一次见到这种写作模式。有主题题和取非题目。


  一篇时说一个法院的判决 about the water that can be used by the native american,大致说因为这个规定非常模糊,很容易造成误解,不知道native 是不是只限于使用地上水还是地下水,只用于灌溉还是所有的,如果native人口增加了,那他们所规定使用的水增加吗?就是一系列不同的 interpretation。


  1.印地安水權: Supreme Court 規定水權法案中,印地安人擁有水權的用途是irrigation.作者認為"irrigation"的範圍是open-ended的.接著提出很多反問: 印地安人除了灌溉之外,是否可以用作其他用途呢? 人口增加,使用的水可以增加嗎? 如果non-native american使用groundwater而影響到native american的水權時,該怎麼辦? 因為水權的解釋模糊,對於non-native american and native american都造成了影響, 最後一句說,low court and high court在水權的判決上也產生很多爭議(有題).另有主題題.





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