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原题:No. 104 “The value of any nation should be measured more by its scientific and artistic achievements than by its business successes.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
ü 商业带来经济的发展,是各种国际竞争的基础
ü 重点讲了国防需要钱,需要经济,进而需要商业。
ü 科学和艺术经常都是为商业服务
It is tempting to concede the speaker’s opinion that achievements in art and science are more significant to the worth of a nation than its “mere” business successes. Still, I disagree with the view because it overlooks the several ways that commercial success supports artistic accomplishment and scientific progress. It also ignores the extent to which commercial success renders a nation more secure, and better able to promote human rights and political stability throughout the world.
First of all, art and science have always depended upon the patronage of successful business. Consider Italy’s powerful banking clan, the Medici family, and their support for artists such as Michelangelo (米开朗基罗[1475-1564,意大利文艺复兴时期成就卓著的科学家,艺术家]) and Raphael. Substantial scientific and artistic support now comes from foundations established by extraordinarily successful business families like the Rockellers, Gettys, Carnegies and Mellons. In addition to their private-sector foundation funding, successful businesses also pay taxes that are returned to university art and science programs. And, many businesses form partnerships with universities to further scientific discovery and related technological progress. Finally, both art and science are highly successful business enterprises in their own right.
Secondly, the value of a nation is related to its ability to dend itself, and to help promote peace and justice among other nations. A nation is more capable in both regards when its businesses enjoy greater success. For example, the current return of Kosovars to their homeland was facilitated by a cost-intensive military fort that required funding from, among other sources, tax revenues from business. In addition, a wealthy nation can, by means of its trade agreements, use its economic strength to encourage other countries to extend greater human rights to their citizens. Finally, a wealthy nation can depend on an expansive weapons industry in the private sector; and it can fund an fective military to carry out national dense.
In sum, it is simplistic to suppose that achievement in art and science is more important to the value of a nation than the success of its businesses. The latter is essential to national and world security. And, business success is deeply connected to accomplishment in art and science.
1.GMAT作文机经AI部分 11月14日更新(三)
2.GMAT作文机经AI部分 11月14日更新(二)
3.GMAT作文机经AI部分 11月14日更新(一)
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