

GMAT考试 GMAT作文机经AI部分12月6日更新(三).

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  4. V1 by 宇潸 People should be paid by their profession benicial to the society。大致是这样,上月jj

  V2 by laynetracy People should be paid by their profession benicial on society. 关键词应该没错,麻烦再找找。


  V1 people should paid by their benicial to the society

  V2 people should be paid according to how much his/her profession benit the society.

  V3一个人的PAY取决于How benicial his profession is to the society




  5. V1 by jrjyyc AI说的是government 要 preserve national security所以应该authorized government keep secret any information they want大致是这个意思 问agree还是disagree


  V1 国家基于安全理由可以决定甚么信息该公开甚么可以不要公开

  V2 In order to the national security, the government should be authorized to keep secret any information.这个是回忆的,可能一两个单词不一样。

  V3 In order to preserve national security, the governments should be authorized to keep secret any information they wish.

  V4 政府是否应该被授权去审核任何它所感兴趣的信息

  V5 为了保证国家的安全性,政府应该被授权保护一切他想要保护的信息

  V6 一个国家的government应该被赋予一个权力,这个权利就是可以根据自己的意愿确定哪些information是需要被keep in secret的

  V7In order to preserve nation&aposs security , nations can keep secret any information they want

  V8 For the national security, should governments be given the absolute right to keep information secret they want?


  举了二战美国原子弹的例子,又说国家有给纳税人information,而且现在都是self interested, 国家的行为可能与public的interest想背。又扯自己去做过volunteer, 发现那里不是主动来的人态度不好。。。


  以上就是12月6日更新的GMAT作文机经AI部分,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT作文的写作规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 GMAT作文机经AI部分12月6日更新(二)

2.GMAT考试 GMAT作文机经AI部分12月6日更新(一)

3.GMAT作文机经AI部分 11月14日更新(六)

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