

GMAT考试 GMAT作文机经AI部分12月6日更新(十二).

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  17. V1 by ssrb1021有人抱怨现在大家太依赖电脑了 但是 电脑确实一直在提升我们的生活质量



  v2有些人认为现在的人 depend too much on computer, 但也有人认为computers are continuing to improve our lives.

  v3 AI 就是JJ上有的那篇关于电脑是否改善生活的那个

  原题:20. “In this age of automation, many people complain that humans are becoming subservient to machines. But, in fact, machines are continually improving our lives.”


  In this age of automation, many people complain that humans are becoming subservient to machines. In my point of view, in some respects humans serve machines, while in other respects machines serve us by enhancing our lives. While mechanical automation may have diminished our quality of life on balance, digital automation is doing more to improve our lives than to undermine our autonomy.

  Consider first mechanical automation, particularly assembly-line manufacturing. With automation came a loss of pride in and alienation from one&aposs work. In this sense, automation both diminished our quality of life and rendered us slaves to machines in our inability to reverse "progress." Admittedly, mechanical automation spawned entire industries, creating jobs, stimulating economic growth, and supplying a plethora of innovative conveniences. Nevertheless, the sociological and environmental price of progress may have outweighed its benits.

  Digital automation has brought its own brand of alienation. Computer automation, and especially the internet, breeds information overload and steals our time and attention away from family, community,and coworkers. In these respects, digital automation tends to diminish our quality of life and create its own legion of human slaves. On the other hand, by relegating repetitive tasks to computers, digits technology has spawned great advances in medicine and physics, helping us to better understand the world, to enhance our health, and to prolong our lives. Digital automation has also emancipated architects, artists, designers, and musicians, by opening up creative possibilities and by saving time. Perhaps most important, however, information technology makes possible universal access to information, thereby providing a democratizing influence on our culture.

  In sum, while mechanical automation may have created a society of slaves to modern conveniences and unfulfilling work, digital automation holds more promise for improving our lives without enslaving us to the technology.

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