

GMAT考试原始机经11.17更新 GMAT语法机经(九).

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  (24) (750) Despite the ways in which A&aposs art diverged from ( ), ..... 对不起我失忆了

  括号是划线,然后选项大概是 A. that of

  B. those of

  Version 2: (760) Even though XX&aposs art diverged from "that of other painters", their....

  其他选项有those of other, from other painter, 唯一一个对的是that of, 因为art是singular

  (25) (v35)句意:芝加哥这个地方,不仅建设了一个喷泉,而且在公园里面建设了这个喷泉的沙盘模型。

  (26) (v35)句意:美国发现某些海岸线污染严重,有些地方的游泳和钓鱼活动,有些地方关闭进行清理污染。

  (27) (740) 语法第一道最长,关于falls瀑布的,具体什么忘了,不过一定要记住地点的修饰不能随便改变位置,还有when。。。。前面一定要紧跟时间

  (28) (740) 有碰到jj当中form这个题目,the company 怎么样the form to record music, preventing….. 我觉得应该选the form of record music that prevents….应为句子当中the form不是作主语的,你用preventing很有可能修饰company。不要看到to record music就觉得是对的

  (29) (740) 有个说某某 get enough to/get enough for it to,我选了有代词的,貌似觉得如果没有代词,哪个enough to 的动作发出者不对

  (30) (740) 有个答案我选的是The memorable works of art…include…..

  因为原来的题目当中用include,而且后面说的是个model还是啥的,其他选项有among 什么,反正都没有works,要么就是one of the most memorable works

  (31) (760) At an orientation, a group of tourists were informed that a visa, a xxx, and xxx were needed by each of them.

  选项有they needed a visa, a xxx,

  they needed each a visa, a xxx

  they needed visas, xxx-s, xxx

  760选了A - 个人认为错误,参照如下:


  At an orientation meeting, the travelers were told that a visa, a landing card, and evidence of inoculation against typhoid fever would be needed by each of them.

  A. a visa, a landing card, and evidence of inoculation against typhoid fever would be needed by each of them -用了被动语态,这个不如主动好。

  B. they would need a visa, a landing card, and evidence of their being inoculated against typhoid fever -of being inoculated不如inoculation简洁,XX of XX的结构放两个名词更顺畅。

  C. they would need evidence of being inoculated against typhoid fever and a visa and landing card - 同C

  D. they would each need a visa, a landing card, and evidence of inoculation against typhoid fever

  E. they would need visas, landing cards, and evidence of inoculation against typhoid fever for each of them. - 这里的them可以指前面的visas等物,所以错

  (32) (760) Tourism requires consumers who have the money and the time, a way of transportation, and conditions of safety and xxxxxxx in the places.

  选了safety and comfortable conditions in the places 啥的

  以上就是11月的部分GMAT语法机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT语法的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

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