

GMAT考试 12月20日更新GMAT逻辑机经(二).

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  17. (单眼皮的猪 750)又想到一题,说是有一种病,有一种方法可以诊断出到底有没有患这个病,但是可能被误诊(好像还分两种positive和negative),然后说被误诊的概率大概是2%(还是普通人群里患这种病的几率是2%???)。然后就有人说这种方法太不靠谱了什么的。问削弱。



  有一种病的测试,可以test出阴性(negative)或阳性(positive)。Positive就是有病了,negative就是没有这种病。但是这种test在每1000个病人中会犯1个错误,会出现false negative或者false positive。这千分之一的比率比普通人群中感染这种病的比率还高。因此,医生在给怀疑得了这种病的人做这种test的时候,实际上实在浪费时间。

  问:这种结论failed to consider which of the following:



  18. (单眼皮的猪 750)q有一种crab在海边下蛋,鸟吃蛋长体力然后可以migration。然后crab的数量下降,所以鸟要在哪个岛上呆更长的时间才会migration。问support(貌似GWD上有过)

  考古: 感谢清明00提供,貌似这个版本比较靠谱,不放心的童鞋看跟帖217楼

  During the month of May, crabs arrive on Delaware’s beaches to lay eggs. Certain shorebirds depend on these eggs for food during their annual spring migration to their northern breeding grounds. Delaware’s crab population has declined recently. This decline, however, poses no serious threat to the migrating shorebird populations: by remaining longer in Delaware, the birds will be able to eat enough crab eggs to allow them to complete their migration.

  Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?

  A. No other food available to the birds on Delaware’s beaches is as nutritious and accessible as are crab eggs.

  B. The decline in the number of crabs on Delaware’s beaches is due to the harvesting of crabs by humans.

  C. There are more crabs on Delaware’s beaches than in any other area that the migrating birds pass through.

  D. The crabs do not conceal their eggs.

  E. The earlier in the season the shorebirds complete their migration, the more likely they are to breed successfully.


  关键在于题目结论中只要remaining longer in Delaware就会no serious threat to the migrating shorebird populations和E中The earlier...the more likely they are to breed successfully之间的矛盾。

  题目的结论是这些鸟逗留的时间长点就不会对他们的population造成影响,但E说鸟要成功繁殖(直接影响population)必须尽早complete their migration,所以remaining longer是不可行的。

  结论是,只要remaining longer in Delaware就会no serious threat to the migrating shorebird populations。结论:不会影响它们的数量。理由,能够吃到足够的蛋。E 答案对于结论的削弱,在于提出他因影响数量。

  以上就是12月20日更新的GMAT逻辑机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT逻辑的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 12月20日更新GMAT逻辑机经(一)

2.GMAT考试 12月4日更新GMAT逻辑机经(四)

3.GMAT考试 12月4日更新GMAT逻辑机经(三)

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