

GMAT考试 12月25日GMAT语法机经更新(一).

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本次更新从54题开始,1-53题请参考GMAT考试 12月14日GMAT语法机经更新(四)。


  54. Unlike the many winter greens that have tough leaves and thus require a lengthy cooking time , escarole(莴苣菜) needs little or no cooking. 能记住一道题感觉和GWD的这道题很像

  55. 语法的话考了population和populations这个点,还有一些大平行、主谓一致的考点。

  Ps. population用于可数名词时时我们一般的理解意思,全体居民,人口,一些科学文章中常用,可以互换单复数。用于不可数时时表示人口密度,动物聚居的密度。(by 太阳之子加油)

  57. 有2道都考了:and连接同一主语的两个分句,第二个主语可以省略。反正大家除了用方法去判断,句意非常重要。(by worry1a2a)

  58. 有一道记得很清楚 The discovery of... is a member of family... 注意discovery不能是family当中的一员啊 所以狗主选的是of 后面的结构做主语 (by 聪葱熊)

  59. 考到了 so much as 的结构,注意划线中的插入语要去掉,否则会误导了,而且是平行结构

  还有考主谓一致还有平行的比较多 我觉得语法偏简单啊 (by 聪葱熊)

  60. 有一道GWD的原题 GWD-TN-20 Q18 原GWD-29-Q39

  Scientists have recently discovered that the ultrathin(超薄的), layered construction of a butterfly’s wings, the same as the one making some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, are enabling the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is rlected away.

  A. wings, the same as the one making some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, are enabling

  B. wings, which is the same one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, that also enables

  C. wings is the same as the one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, enabling

  D. wings—the same construction that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence—also enables

  E. wings—of the same construction that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence—also enable

  提醒大家那个ultrathin是形容词 超薄的 LZ第一次做的时候看都没看把这个词当成名词了 所以印象很深刻答案是D (by 大可酱)

  61. 其他的逻辑主语 逻辑意思考的很多 包括有一道题是towards 和 for的介词判断 LZ忘了是哪个词跟这两个介词搭最后选的是for 也是根据意思判断的 (by 大可酱)

  62. 还有一个没划线部分是 industry and XXX 反正是名词 划线部分最后说的是 In agriculture 所以据我判断应该是错的应该是agriculture才对 (by 大可酱)

  63. 有一道high level employees claim the stress they have arises from dealing with crisis, 后面划线,

  我选得是“ whereas lower level employee stress from ....salary ...." 觉得主要是产生一个对比,而不是其他什么逻辑的关系 (by candylanfeng)

  以上就是12月25日更新的GMAT语法机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT语法的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 12月14日GMAT语法机经更新(四)

2.GMAT考试 12月14日GMAT语法机经更新(三)

3.GMAT考试 12月14日GMAT语法机经更新(二)

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