

GMAT考试 12月25日GMAT语法机经更新(二).

刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:203 移动端


  64. when in search for ....AND when they .... 我标的这个是选项,这道题我不大记得清楚了,但是我选这个选项的时候还是对比了其他选项,觉得虽然两个when不是完全对称,但是语义完整,而且其他选项都有硬伤 (by candylanfeng)

  66. V1 有个语法不解:划线部分两个选项:A. willing and able to do B. willing and capable of doing 我纠结了下,选了A 因为Willing 也用to do

  V2 睡觉睡到一半突然记起来一只语法狗 正确选项 both is able to and will be blablabla


  68. One of the images that什么什么(复数谓语) poets,romantically, adj.,highly awares 什么什么(单数谓语)— from +没有划线的。

  我说狡猾是因为 两个看起来很和谐的选项,其实一个是images当主语却用了单数,另一个是One Of当主语却用了复数,然后选了一个怪怪的,但是应该没错。而且那个from在破折号刚开始的时候应该有个动词,什么from,但是别的选项把那个动词(不认识)放到破折号里面了。(by xiaolulubai)

  70. LZ又想起一个考点, 就是aim to 和aim in doing。。。(by 阿达0314)

  [解释]:aim的用法:Right:① We adopted new procedures AIMED AT REDUCING tht.

  ② We adopted new procedures WITH THE AIM OF REDUCING tht.

  Suspect: ① We adopted new policies, THE AIM OF WHICH was TO REDUCE tht.

  Wrong: ① We adopted new policies WITH THE AIM TO REDUCE tht.

  71. 说的是 forest as much as in Thailand…… as many as elephants… 什么的…, 有一些混淆的, 大概就是 forest as many as in Thailand…. as much as elephants 神马的,大概考点是要考much, many的单复数选项,考试的时候多注意点看应该可以选出来。(by andrew594017)


  72. 关于单复数的,不可数的 few less什么的,有一道


  For example,放在句中、句头、还是句尾 (by dunmu64)

  [标点符号]:1.冒号:①对前面的信息进行补充,在冒号后可加namely或者that is



  Eg. XXXX is affected by some factors: concentration, area……


  Eg. On January 1,2000, the national mood was different from what it would become a few years later: at the turn of century, given a seemingly unstoppable market, the century was content.



  Eg. My three best friends——Dan, Jim and Joney——and I went to school.


  Eg.MBA compensation tends to surge for ahead of that for consultant——by ten, if not hundreds dollars a year.

  [“For example” PREP例句]:Some patients who do not respond to therapies for depression may simply have received inadequate treatment, having, for example, been prescribed a drug at a dosage too low to be fective or having been taken off a drug too soon.

  以上就是12月25日更新的GMAT语法机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT语法的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 12月25日GMAT语法机经更新(一)

2.GMAT考试 12月14日GMAT语法机经更新(四)

3.GMAT考试 12月14日GMAT语法机经更新(三)

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