

GMAT考试 12月27日更新GMAT阅读机经(七).

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  11.Fresh/Permanent water pond

  V1. By f430spider Math50 + Verbal37 = 720

  还考了一个长阅读。说的是在freshwater pond和permanent water pond. fresh water pond的生物种类。一种观点说,生物要在freshwater dry up 之前繁衍,达到这一要求的生物不多,所以他们的种类较少。由此可推,在permanent pond李的种类应该比较多,然而,研究发现permanent里可以只有一种, 但是 freshwater 里面又可以有很多种。另一种观点出现。认为freshwater pond生物主要面临的困难是competition of resources and 要在water dryup之前减数分裂?,繁衍。permanent water pond的生物主要面临的问题是来自prayer的,多于来自resource competition。

  考古 引用 gog1943


  Lentic freshwater habitats in temperate regions exist along a gradient from small ephemeral ponds to large permanent lakes. This environmental continuum is a usul axis for understanding how attributes of individuals ultimately generate structure at the level of the community. Community structure across the gradient is determined by both (a) physical factors, such as pond drying and winter anoxia, that limit the potential breadth of species distributions, and (b) biotic fects mediated by ecological interactions, principally predation, that determine the realized success of species. Fitness tradeoffs associated with a few critical traits of individuals often form the basis for species turnover along the gradient. Among species that inhabit temporary ponds, distributions are often constrained because traits that enhance developmental rate and competitive ability also increase susceptibility to predators. In permanent ponds, changes in the composition of major predators over the gradient limit distributions of prey species because traits that reduce mortality risk in one region of the gradient cause increased risk in other regions of the gradient. Integrated across the gradient, these patterns in species success generate distinct patterns in community structure. Additionally, spatial heterogeneity among habitats along the gradient and the fitness tradeoffs created by this heterogeneity may hold important evolutionary implications for habitat specialization and lineage diversification in aquatic taxa.

  12.Efficient Market Hypothesis and Behavioral Finance

  V1. By xalyan

  有一篇是关于有效市场假说(Efficient Market Hypothesis)和行为金融学(Behavioral Finance)的:

  第一段阐述EMH的观点:price rlect all the information,所以price is stable

  第 二段开始说有一些现象无法用EMH解释,然后就有一些behavioral economics出来说:人们有时候是不理性的。然后举了一个例子(这个例子还涉及到了古代某一时期的人,说他们select sites的)来说明他们的观点,最后说正式这种不理性造成了price unstable




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