

GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 2017年1月1日更新(二).

2017/08/10 17:15:31 编辑: 浏览次数:210 移动端


  2. BY宝宝和尚:5、V1 by rachelpzy说最近因为对石油开采技术的要求下降,许多研发石油开采技术的公司都出现了利润下降和股票价格下降的问题。然后B.C.这个公司以前是从事石油开采技术研发的,为了规避风险避免损失什么的(大概是这个意思),BC的manager采取了一个新的措施:让他们公司的scientist switch their to researches on renewable resources。(然后就是重点来了:)因为renewable energy成为现在一个booming的industry。许多从事研究利用renewable energy,比如说wind power, solar power和*** (具体名字不记得了)等power的公司 have been successfully developed in recent years. Thus, BC的manager认为,如果他们这个新的strategy will successfully put the profit and stock prices in a safe place from any future decline.


  Due to the decline demand of the mining technology, all the related corporations are suffering form decline of profit and sales this year, including Blastcom Corporation. Blastcom Corporation is considering adopting one growth strategy: to shift some of the researchers from mining technology to the renewable energy technology, the demand for the renewable energy such as solar energy. Some of the prominent companies which market the renewable energy are successful in recent years. Therore, it is guaranteed that company Blastcom will also be successful in the future by providing renewable energy

  The outline:

  1、the switch 不一定能circumvent the risky right now: 因为switch 需要时间,

  2、even if switch能够规避风险,the researchers 也不一定能够have the ability to research the renewable energy technology, 如果employ new technical staff, that need increase cost

  3、就算能够switch, the successful in recent years is not equal that energy are successful in the future

  以上就是2012年1月1日更新的GMAT作文机经AA部分,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT作文的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 2012年1月1日更新(一)


3.GMAT机经汇总 12月23日更新作文机经AI部分

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