

GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 12年1月11日更新(四).

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  v2. 爬楼梯 : “Since science andtechnology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schoolsshould devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teachingthe arts and humanities.”

  V3. 傻丫头小佳 : issue是学校应该重科学轻人文,大概就是这么个意思。


  原题:37. “Since science and technology are becoming more and more essential to modern society, schools should devote more time to teaching science and technology and less to teaching the arts and humanities.”

  V1 最近的时期里,science和technology越来越重要,因此学校应该增加teaching science and technology而减少teaching arts and humanities。


  Because scientific knowledge is increasingly important in our technological world and in the practical world of jobs and careers, schools should devote sufficient time to teaching mathematics and science. This is not to say, however, that schools should devote less time to the arts or humanities. To the contrary, in a technological age the study of arts and humanities is probably more important than ever—for three reasons.

  First of all, studying the arts and humanities can help students become better mathematicians and scientists. For example, recent studies of cognitive development show that studying music at an early age can strengthen a child’s later grasp of mathematics. And understanding philosophical concepts has helped scientists recognize their own presuppositions, and frame their central questions more accurately.

  Secondly, studying the creative and intellectual achievement of others helps inspire our own creativity and intellectual questioning. This is particularly important in an era dominated by technology, where we run a serious risk of becoming automatons who fit neatly into the ficient functioning of some system.

  Finally, technology is valuable as an ficient means to our important goals. But neither technology, nor the science on which it is founded, decides which goals are best, or judges the moral value of the means we choose for their attainment. We need the liberal arts (文科) to help us select worthwhile ends and ethical means.

  In conclusion, schools should not devote less time to the arts and humanities. These areas of study augment and enhance learning in mathematics and science, as well as helping to preserve the richness of our entire human legacy while inspiring us to further it. Moreover, disciplines within the humanities provide methods and contexts for evaluating the morality of our technology and for determining its proper direction.

  9.v1.f430spider:constant innovation and changes may damage to an organization as much as the benit they bring to the organization.

  V2.yomukie:Constant innovation and change within an organizationare as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve to it.

  V3. axxcv:innovation和change对到底是利大还是弊大

  V4. cicifish: constant innovation and change within an organization的那题~

  V5. xiaoyanjoy : Constant innovation and change are as likely to damage an organization as to improve it

  V6. 被辅导员 : innovation and change 那道题。。。

  V7. 一顶小红帽 : constant innovation within an organization are more likely to damage it rather than improve it.


  原题:No. A2 Constant innovation and change within an organization are as likely to damage the organization as they are to improve to it.


  * We are living in a world which is developing at a termendous speed which requires constant innovation and change.

  * However, constant change and innovation can do harm to the organization if we can not adapt the organization to the innovation and changes.

  * Innovation and change is a double-edged sword. We should quickly adjust ourselves to the innovation and change and make them better serve us.

  # 市场竞争激烈,只有不断创新才能持续发展,使公司在全球化的市场中生存下来

  # 不断的创新可以降低成本,提高产品质量,吸引更多的消费者,获得更高里利润

  # 当然,创新的成本也是比较高的,有时可能会带来一些负面影响(比如失败的可能性)但是不能因为有可能失败就不去创新。

  以上就是12年1月11日更新的GMAT逻辑机经汇总,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT逻辑的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 12年1月11日更新(三)



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