

GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 12年1月11日更新(二十一).

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  32. v1. Substance : 好像是说因为技术需求的change,工人要自己adjust,而不是政府或企业。问看法。

  V2. superlichao : technology and demand of certain service changes, it is easy for workers to loss jobs. the responsibility of individural workers is more than that of the government or the business.


  原题No.87“As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.”



  1、 个人确实应该首先take the chi responsibility of their job obsolescence. 因为对自己的生活负责的人,首先是自己。现在的社会也提供了机会:很多学校提供短期的培训,人们可以参加保持自己keep up with the changes of the technologies and new direction of businesses。第二,只有个人采取主动,才能从根本上解决问题。否则merely rely on the help coming from government or business,人们会变得消极become passive and lose enterprise. 长期以来,对整个社会都有negative impact on the further development of one society.

  2、 但是,这不是说企业不应该负责。after all, 是企业作出了创新和改变,并且造成了这些改变——并且造成了job obsolescence。应该为这些负责任。比如,为员工提供opportunity of training for the new technique…,这样也可以节约重新培训totally new employee的cost。

  3、 Moreover, 政府也应该采取一些行动。政府作为一个社会的管理者supervisor,有责任保证全社会的well being. 应该帮助个人完成适应adjustment. 可以通过提供一些insurance for unemployment, advice for the occupational choice, necessary information of the new trend of business…


  As technology and changing social needs render more and more jobs obsolete, who is responsible for helpingdisplaced workers adjust? While individuals have primary responsibility for learning new skills and finding work, both industry and government have some obligation to provide them the means of doing so.

  l agree that individuals must assume primary responsibility for adjusting to job obsolescence, especially since our educational system has been preparing us for it. For decades, our schools have been counseling young people to expect and prepare for numerous major career changes during their lives. And concerned educator shave recognized and responded to this eventuality with a broader base of practical and theoretical course work that affords students the flexibility to move from one career to another.

  However, industry should bear some of the responsibility as well. It is industry, after all, that determines the particular directions technological progress and subsequent social change will take. And since industry is mainly responsible for worker displacement, it has a duty to help displaced workers adjust—through such means ason-site training programs and stipends for further education.

  Government should also assume some of the responsibility, since it is partly government money that fuels technological progress in industry. Moreover, government should help because it can help—for example, by ensuring that grants and federally insured student loans are available to those who must retool in order to find new work. Government can also help by observing and recording trends in worker displacement and in job opportunities, and by providing this information to individuals so that they can make prudent decisions about their own further education and job searches.

  In conclusion, while individuals should be prepared for future job changes, both government and industry shoulder obligations to provide training programs, funding and information that will help displaced workers successfully retool and find new employment.

  以上就是2012年1月11日更新的GMAT作文机经AI部分,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT作文的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 12年1月11日更新(二十)



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