

GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 12年1月11日更新(二十四).

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  36. andrewstudio : Portrayals of violence have proven commercially successful in television programs, movies, songs, and other forms of popular entertainment. Therore, those who create popular entertainment should continue to incorporate violence into their products.


  V1近来很多有violence 的television programs ,movies, and other forms of entertainment 都很popular.然后就说那些做entertainment 的人应该继续在他们的作品里加violence

  类似原题:No.54 Popular entertainment is overly influenced by commercial interests. Superficiality, obscenity, and violence characterize films and television today because those qualities are commercially successful.

  V2 Portrayals of violence have proven commercially successful in television programs, movies, songs, and other forms of popular entertainment. Therore, those who create popular entertainment should continue to incorporate violence into their products.



  1. 不一定是因为有violence才popular,可能存在其它原因

  2. 过去violence成功了不证明以后violence也能成功,大家的口味在变

  3. 要顾及对社会的影响,可能教坏小孩子,导致社会更加不和谐,所以家长会很讨厌这类节目,所以它们很可能就不successful了


  Clearly, most popular films and television shows are superficial and/or include a certain amount of violence or obscenity. Just as clearly, popularity leads to commercial success. But can we conclude that these productions are overly influenced by commercial interests? Perhaps not, since some popular films and television shows are neither superficial, obscene, nor violent. Closer scrutiny, however, reveals that most such productions actually support, not disprove, the thesis that commercial interests dictate movie and television content. (哪有必要作这样的二次转折)

  One would-be (自称自许的)threat to the thesis can be found in lower-budget independent films, which tend to focus more on character development and topical social issues than on sensationalism. Recently, a few such films have supplanted Hollywood’s major studio productions as top box-office (adj. 票房的) hits. Does this mean that profit potential no longer dictates the content of films? No; it simply suggests that the tastes and prerences of the movie-going public are shifting.A second ostensible challenge to the thesis can be found in companies such as Disney, whose productions continue to achieve great popularity and commercial success, without resort to an appeal to baser interests. Yet it is because these productions are commercially successful that they proliferate.

  The only cogent challenge to the thesis is found in perennial television favorites such as “Nova,” a public television show that is neither commercially supported nor influenced. However, such shows are more in the nature of education than entertainment, and for every one program like “Nova” there are several equally popular—and highly superficial—programs.

  With few exceptions, then, commercial success of certain films and television shows is no accidental byproduct of popularity; it is the intentional result of producers’ forts to maximize profits.

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1.GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 12年1月11日更新(二十三)



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