

GMAT考试 2月9日更新GMAT阅读机经(八).

2017/08/10 17:01:10 编辑: 浏览次数:224 移动端


  V4 by holdonzz 730


  V5 风雨楼台


  V6 by 鸭梨山大 680


  V7 by jimmyzhang 710

  第三篇是鸟对地震的感知机经, 这篇我记得多一点 (也是这篇拖了我好多时间,虽然确定答案基本都对但是导致我最后5题时间不够都在蒙)

  第一段是个例子, 讲1835 还是 1935年 C 开头的一个海边seabird突然反常的成群往内陆飞, 即使是most-weather person也不能猜到她们会这样, 因为stable的季节还没有end (这里有细节题), 再一个小时多之后就有地震和storm发生

  第二段就试图解释为什么海上一点点变化鸟也会察觉到,唯一能解释原因是bird detected 其他的变化从一个小的变化中 (这里有细节题)

  第三段... 不记得了是有三段还是四段...即便有也似乎没考到题目

  最后一段... 举了其他地震的例子, 说中国地震前(没说名字)也发现有duck 的反常, 什么什么地方也发现鸟往一个洞还是什么里面飞, (这里有题)


  针对第一段的, 说那个most-weather person 在地震发生之间的对seabird有什么样的理解, 其他的选项很迷惑人 我选的是 "只有当稳定的季节结束的时候它们才会往内陆飞"

  针对第二段的, 推测, 如果seabird只detect 一个小变化而没有其他的异常, 它们会怎么样? 我觉得也很tricky, 我选的是"它还是会往海上飞", 其他的选项还有"他们能signal storm", 但我根据第二段的解释, 觉得seabird只detect到一个变化的话不会有异常反应

  针对最后一段的, 问文中举的例子都提到了, 选项有 wildlife animal, 还有 bird, 还有其他明显错误的答案, 我选bird, 因为中国的duck不算野生动物吧?

  V8 by wawwdg

  还有一篇是讲birds的第一段说在在W的地方发生地震前1小时40分钟时鸟们都一阵乱飞~~~ 第二段说了些大概有地震的时候鸟就会飞离海岸线,因为。。。。。(有题),第二段最后一句比较重要,后面有个对这句话的取反题,大部分都是举例的题



  The weather is influenced by factors such as solar activity, globe rotation, warming of the land masses and oceans, and the orbits of the Sun, Moon and planets.

  As humans, we consider ourselves to be the most intelligent species on the planet - however, through the rining of our natural behaviours and through the process of our education and ‘advancements’ we have actually lost many (or most) of our basic instincts.

  Animals, birds, insects and plant life have a far greater ability to sense and interpret weather changes and signs than humans, and this is linked to their natural survival instincts.

  Birds are closer to nature than humans and therore more sensitive to invisible energies. Their physical actions express approaching prevailing energy – such as earthquakes – bore even the most psychic human is aware of it.

  If a bird or flock of birds acts strangely, you may be able to deduce that they ‘know’ something that you do not about changes in the weather or an impeding natural event or disaster.

  Animals and birds react to signs in many different ways and their irregular behaviour and reactions can predict future significant changes in the weather. Science is yet to determine exactly How animals know what’s to come. Is it a rise or fall in atmospheric pressure; a reaction to the electromagnetic forces generated by sunspots; or even changes in the levels of humidity? Or, is it a combination of these factors, or something entirely different altogether? Whatever the triggers may be, they have an fect on the natural world around us.

  以上就是2月9日更新的GMAT阅读机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT阅读的解题规律,从而在GMAT考试中发挥出更好的水平。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 2月9日更新GMAT阅读机经(七)



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