

GMAT考试 2月9日更新GMAT阅读机经(三).

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  V2 super甲 V36



  第二段开始絮絮叨叨的讲零售图书(independent)的这帮人,尽管这帮人已经自己产生了一套营销战略,但他们仍旧在struggle,与那些集中生产销售的 stores竞争。零售商们的确具有一定的地方特色,尤其是小地方,能够适应当地的市场;但是由于之前说了,集中销售商们也具备了一定的地方特点,所以还是能够在一些小地方生存的。

  V3 rainrooney 720V38

  第一段:说的是传统book-chain是不会针对 region的特点进行装修的。但是新的survey发现很多大型的连锁书店都开始有了地方特色,针对地方的文化或者气候进行装修。举了几个例子,其中有一个州有很少的城镇能吸引大型的连锁书店进驻,跟夏威夷(能吸引好多)进行了对比,V1说这里有题,但我没遇到。

  第二段:说那些survived的independent bookstore也开始针对地方特色进行装修(有一题问作者suggest什么,我觉得根据这个survived可以推出independent bookstore居于劣势地位之类的)。

  V4 eippy 700

  P1先说大家以为chain store的大规模让小书店难做生意。但是发现其实chain store让independent bookstore

  更localized, regional,或有什么culture特色等。举了好多例子....

  P2 independentbookstore的生存方法。寻找特定的顾客群体啦等等。最后说大小书店都很注意举办读书沙龙之类的文化活动,但小书店对于作者签售有优势,因为越来越多不愿做全国巡游(这边有题)

  大概就是这样。注意chain store和independent bookstore之间的对比和关系,出题重点






  Analysts say retailbookstore chains will cease to exist as we know them, underperforming storeswill close and bookstore chains will be reduced to a few localized storescatering to specialized local needs.

  Bookstore chains must reduce their retailfootprints in order to survive, according to Wahlstorm. He said that there is a high likelihoodthat Barnes & Noble like Borders will close underperforming stores incoming years.

  To stay relevant bookstore chains wouldhave to use their store space productively and find a market niche, accordingto Bishop.

  “They can try to drive traffic and sales through the physical stores bymeans like adding cafes, establishing relationships with the local community, and offering exclusive or targeted products (B&N is making a bigpush toward its new educational toys & games department),” wrote Wahlstrom.针对本地市场推出营销方案

  Maybe bookstore chains have a lesson tolearn from smaller independent book stores that have dodged the online and e-books bullets by keeping uniqueselections of books and providing social space to their local communities.地方的小书店和社区关系紧密

  "Independent bookstores are very wellconnected to their communities. When you do that there will always be value foryour bookstore,” said Lubeck. He said that bookstore chains should adoptthis successful formula.

  以上就是2月9日更新的GMAT阅读机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT阅读的解题规律,从而在GMAT考试中发挥出更好的水平。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 2月9日更新GMAT阅读机经(二)

2.GMAT考试 2月8日更新GMAT数学机经(十二)


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