

GMAT考试 2月9日更新GMAT阅读机经(五).

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  [版本4] by howfay 690 M51 V31

  第一篇是JJ48 bookstore的那道题,我翻了一下一篇考古的文,和原文是蛮像的,我标注一下。

  While the rapid growth of Barnes & Noble, Borders and Amazon has made the business more centralized, each state&aposs bookselling industry is shaped by matters as varied as climate, geography, regional economy, population growth and local culture.

  Washington and Oregon, for example, both have thriving bookselling scenes that some attribute partly to the perpetual drizzle of the Pacific Northwest. As agent Stephanie Griffin said of her Oregon city, “Portland has a huge literary community. It rains a lot so there&aposs plenty of time to read.”

  For booksellers in Alaska and Hawaii, geography creates a set of difficulties distinct from those in the 48 contiguous states—from having to wait longer to get books to not being able to attract authors to travel the long distances to their stores. Beyond that, their bookselling environments have turned out to be as different as their weather: Alaska, dotted with towns too small to attract a chain store, has half the population (656,000) but a third more (15) independent bookstores than Hawaii, where Borders is the dominant bookseller, with 14 locations. 这一段文字考题有做删改,去掉了所有公司的名字和人说的话还有一些细节(比如数字)不过大意完全一样。

  Though mass merchandisers have become an important force in bookselling throughout the country, their influence is felt in some areas much more strongly than in others. Wal-Mart, headquartered in Bentonville, Ark., is the biggest bookseller not only in its home state, but also in Mississippi, which, with the lowest average household income in the country, has attracted comparatively few national bookstores.考题中完全没有出现,删

  As for the independents&apos struggle to survive while competing against the chains, it continues, though most of the indies that are still in the game have developed strategies that enable them to avoid going head-to-head with national retailers on price and selection. That means locating in underserved areas as well as focusing on a niche. (这是题目原句,而且有考点,仔细看)Take Indiana, where 97 of its 142 bookstores are independents, most operating in rural communities outside the greater Indianapolis area. “They&aposre specialty and small stores in a state that is primarily agricultural and rural,” said Jim Dana, executive director of the Great Lakes Booksellers Association. “This is a state that—other than Indianapolis and the other cities—really depends on independent bookstores.”

  For independent stores located in the shadow of a chain or big-box retailer, finding the right niche is key. “I think we&aposre truly getting into the age of specialty stores,” said Ted Wedel, a Maryland resident who is co-owner of the sales representative group Chesapeake & Hudson. Wedel pointed to Maryland stores such as Atomic Books, specializing in pop culture titles, and Breathe, which focuses on New Age topics.没有,删


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