

GMAT考试 2月9日更新GMAT阅读机经(十八).

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  第三篇是 就是公司制定了一个focus problem, 是说他们的产品应该听消费者的意愿, 但是讲了三个局限性,比如消费者不具有代表性,消费者往往更关心successful company,这里有题,好像试问这个problem 的disadvantage。 地三个局限性好像是消费者无法提出如何进行具体生产的策略,所以对于改进产品细节没帮助。。有主旨题,答案应该是说这个项目的limitation, 这还是比较确定的。。

  45. 天文现象

  第四篇我姐的静静没有,很短。是说一个天文现象,一开始说一个东西会有blue变yellow, 也就是颜色会变化。然后又说了三个东西,之间互相影响,有temperature, radius 还有一个东西,说这个东西stable,如果 temperature升高,那么radius就下降,有题目,问那个东西下降,然而radius上升那么会发生? 我选的会变cooler。也就是温度下降嘛。。还有一个题是这个东西stable,温度升高,那么?我选的是什么会变shorter,由于是最后了我也没很仔细看 ,大意应该错不了,但是我觉得这两题出题点是一样的啊, 大家考试的时候仔细看看。还有一个题是主旨题,就两段,比较简单。。




  请考过的朋友们 确认下这篇文章。

  1.1.6 经济贸易的合作★△  V1第一篇好像是现在经济贸易的合作加强,然后举了欧盟和北美自由贸易区的例子,但是又说这两个是不一样的,如何如何的。

  V2关于国际贸易新动向。 先指出现在以地区合作联盟为主的国际贸易合作组织是现在国际贸易合作的新现象;第二段举了一个北美欧洲成立的旨在扩大合作加强商品流通的国际合作组织;另一个是以为了反对美国的贸易保护主义而成立的国际贸易合作组织;(后面有题问二者的区别,区别就是成立目的不同一个是没有贸易保护主义条件下成立的一个是为了加强自己保护反对美国贸易保护主义) 最后指出虽然成立的目的不同但是他们都预示了国际贸易合作的新的未来和新的问题。

  V3 (760)1. 自由贸易,寂静1.1.6。考古非常成功,exactly原文。大家考前一定仔细看一遍原文。考古中的问题有几个都是完全一样的:

  1) The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is to;

  5) Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the European Community prior to the adoption of the Europe 1992 program?

  7) Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?





  有一个问题是说可以infer欧盟1992年以前是怎样的,文中说1992年以后会消除成员国之间impediment of free flow of goods, labor等等,所以可以推出92年以前是有障碍的。



  As the economic role of multinational, global corporations expands, the international economic environment will be shaped increasingly not by governments or international institutions, but by the interaction between governments and global corporations, especially in the United States, Europe, and Japan. A significant factor in this shifting world economy is the trend toward regional trading blocs of nations, which has a potentially large fect on the evolution of the world trading system. Two examples of this trend are the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Europe 1992, the move by the European Community (EC) to dismantle impediments to the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labor among member states by the end of 1992. However, although numerous political and economic factors were operative in launching the move to integrate the EC’s markets, concern about protectionism within the EC does not appear to have been a major consideration. This is in sharp contrast to the FTA; the overwhelming reason for that bilateral initiative was fear of increasing United States protectionism. Nonetheless, although markedly different in origin and nature, both regional developments are highly significant in that they will foster integration in the two largest and richest markets of the world, as well as provoke questions about the future direction of the world trading system.

  以上就是2月9日更新的GMAT阅读机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT阅读的解题规律,从而在GMAT考试中发挥出更好的水平。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 2月9日更新GMAT阅读机经(十七)



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