

GMAT考试 2017年2月12日GMAT语法机经(二).

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  18. 然后SC考了一个 like 和 just as。。

  By seo1127

  19. lz的第一题哦!指代清不清晰的问题。属于一看立刻钩的题 选项:三个结构都是:……………., which indicates that 正确答案:……………,an indicator that

  Feb 11

  By rebecca1234

  20. not only but also 的用法 注意平行

  21. lz 考到了一个so...such that 的错误用法

  22. each company of A and B 的谓语,lz选的are 因为根据语义 是AB都达到了后面所说的效果。

  23. 很长的划线句 考主谓一致 好像有个 前面提到了是 the company 注意后面要用its代替 发现这个就可以排除还几个选项


  By fanofjeremylin

  24. 有一道题映像特别深,在两个选项里面选,一个选项是Roberson’s political strategy, the political savvy the mayor long admire for。还有一个是the political strategy of Roberson, whose political savvy the mayor long admire for。划线到political savvy前面。Savvy考的时候不知道意思,所以我错选了第一个选项,觉得能和strategy构成同位语。现在看来可能是后一个选项。总之savvy的意思大家记住,机智,头脑,理解,悟性,考时再细看其他选项。

  25. 有考到including,which include.

  26. N道题目都是主语, 长修饰语,谓语考主谓一致。

  27. 有一道题,each of the company A and company B,一坨修饰,谓语划线,考each的主谓一致


  By crosscats

  28. 唯一记得的是有道题应该是出自og或prep的原题。讲鲨鱼的牙齿丢失的时候,其他的牙齿会补上那个位置。When the shark...开头的一个句子...(找不到原题,希望有同学能记得)


  3. TT-GWD 2-33

  When an active tooth in the shark’s jaws is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve, each of which are ready to slide into the appropriate position.

  A. When an active tooth in the shark’s jaws is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve, each of which are ready to slide into the appropriate position.

  B. Whenever an active tooth is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve in the shark’s jaws, which are each ready to slide into the appropriate position.

  C. Many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve in the shark’s jaws, each one of which are ready to slide into the appropriate position when an active tooth is lost or worn down.

  D. The many spare teeth lying in seemingly limitless reserve in the shark’s jaws, each one of which is ready to slide into the appropriate position whenever an active tooth is lost or worn down.

  E. In the shark’s jaws, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve, each one ready to slide into the appropriate position whenever an active tooth is lost or worn down.

  29. 考到了主谓一致,they 对应their, a specialist对应谓语单数

  30. 插入语,有道原题整个划线部分前后是用破折号连起来的


  By dtvc15

  31. either...or

  32. made of 还是用made for (别的选项排除了)


  FEB 12

  BY Dz0804

  33. "........."(引号中的是一句句子,不重要),后面是选项 A. XXX said 还有选项是B. said XXX


  以上就是2012年2月12日更新的GMAT语法机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT语法的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 2012年2月12日GMAT语法机经(一)



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