

GMAT考试 2月13日更新GMAT逻辑机经(五).

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  40. Foreign Language

  最后一道貌似是GWD的变体, 讲学外语可以促进一个地方经济发展 所以政府应该要做这个项目,求strengthen 大家可以考一下古,lz印象中做过

  P: Promoting foreign language education can improve economy

  C: Therore, if the government would like to stimulate economy, it should promote foreign language education

  S: (YY) A country (United States) with multilingual (Spanish, English, French, Chinese speakers) people will have good economy.

  41. Training for Employee

  一个BF题目, GWD中貌似也有,是讲一个公司给员工培训,但是发现员工更容易去跳槽,然后这个公司就没什么优秀的人去选择当领导,所以H这个人认为这个项目不能继续进行,除非解决了这些问题。 BF的是两句描述现象的话 ,

  狗主答案: 选了一个最短的说这两个都是evidence, 其他四个都要conclusion这个词。

  BF1: A company provide management training program to its employees. However, it has been found that this creates a high turnover in employment, leading to fewer leaders in the organization.

  BF2: H believes that this program should stop, unless turnovers can be resolved.

  不同意楼主。 我个人觉得H这句话就是conclusion. 你要么把program关了, 要么让员工不跳槽。 (加薪, 多福利)

  42. Weird Man

  V1 lz还考到了两个问你说上面的推理有什么错误的地方。 一个是讲说人们不喜欢用自己对待自己讨厌的人方式被对待==(有点绕)英文大概是说 a man dislike being treated the way he treats the man he dislike,然后一个人就说所以人们不喜欢被撒谎, 就是一个类比,但是后半句有个词Lz不认识 , 所以这个是半蒙半猜做的==

  V2 “一个是讲说人们不喜欢用自己对待自己讨厌的人方式被对待==(有点绕)英文大概是说 a man dislike being treated the way he treats the man he dislike,然后一个人就说因为这样,所以我们永远不应该对人撒谎(那意思就是人们都不希望被欺骗)。”

  Weaken 狗主答案:的是“有些人希望被别人欺骗,以此来避免因为知道真相被hurt”

  P: Person X dislikes other people treating him/her the way him/her treats the people he/she dislikes.

  C: Therore, it is essential that nobody likes lies.

  W:Agree with 狗主

  43. Business Location

  Location 通常被认为对business的成功有重要作用,然而有研究表明,location的确对standard service business比如银行的商业运作起到重要作用,但是对于personal business比如餐厅影响不大。因此当personal business在做location investment时怎样怎样(不记得了)



  P: Business location is often critical to the success of the business.

  C: Although this theory is true for standard service business such as bank, it is not that important for personal business such as restaurants.

  E: If a person would like to open a new restaurant, what should he keep in mind of?

  **学过Operation Production Management 的同学应该都知道这些理论。

  以上就是12年2月13日更新的GMAT逻辑机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT逻辑的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 2月13日更新GMAT逻辑机经(一)



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