

GMAT考试 2月17日更新GMAT逻辑机经(一).

2017/08/10 16:58:15 编辑: 浏览次数:228 移动端


本次更新从54题开始,前题请参考GMAT考试机经更新汇总 1月29日更新。

  54. 同8,32题

  55. Fruit fly

  还有就是果树上有苍蝇 发现有某某ant 苍蝇就会少 农民伯伯决定引进ant 来治苍蝇 好像是问加强


  选了一个说 其他果树上ant多苍蝇也少 (这个回忆不算靠谱大家自己看着办)

  56. Medicine Patent

  说有些药明明开给小孩子家家的 但是呢test基本上都是在大人身上做的 那些砖家就想出了个主意说 要不这样吧 凡是在小孩子身上测试通过的药都给个专利好了 问怎么evaluate

  LZ选的是 是不是在专利失效前新药就替代掉旧药了 是A

  57. Carpentry Company

  说有个伐木公司看到业务不挣钱还有民众抱怨伐木破坏环境, 就像把场地变成森林公园, 同时旁边一个森林公园很挣钱, 但是开了一年, 这个新公园却不挣钱, 问解释 (paradox), LZ选因为people will not visit the park which are operated by campany that perviously ruin the foreast (大致是这个意思)

  58. Animals near extinction

  有兩種表單 第一種列了800種瀕臨嚴重絕種的動物 註:表單一的動物會受到較高的保護 第二種列了有10000(數字假定)種瀕臨絕種危險的動物 註:表單二的動物受到的保護比表單一少 政府計畫要把表單二的&apos&apos部分&apos&apos動物一到表單一 ,以加強對這部分動物的保護 但是這移轉的過程需要許多時間討論才能定案 , 在這段期間這部份將被轉移的動物被大量獵殺 問政府如何防止這現象 我的答案:政府在研議的這段時間要禁止這些計畫將被轉移到表單一的動物的獵捕

  59. Forest Fire


  60. Reduce the pollutants emissions

  有一题好像是说一个城市打算reduce the pollutants emissions,有个公司打算建造一条管道,同时市议会对于那些不会污染环境的项目还是比较支持的,问削弱,哪个选项最可能导致这个修造管道的计划不会成功,不过选项记不住了

  61. Whiplash injuries- GWD

  In countries where automobile insurance includes compensation for whiplash injuries sustained in automobile accidents, reports of having suffered such injuries are twice as frequent as they are in countries where whiplash is not covered.Some commentators have argued, correctly, that since there is presently no objective test for whiplash, spurious reports of whiplash injuries cannot be readily identified.These commentators are, however, wrong to draw the further conclusion that in the countries with the higher rates of reported whiplash injuries, half of the reported cases are spurious:clearly, in countries where automobile insurance does not include compensation for whiplash, people often have little incentive to report whiplash injuries that they actually have suffered.

  In the argument given, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?

  A. The first is evidence that has been used to support a conclusion that the argument criticizes; the second is that conclusion.

  B. The first is evidence that has been used to support a conclusion that the argument criticizes; the second is the position that the argument dends.

  C. The first is a claim that has been used to support a conclusion that the argument accepts; the second is the position that the argument dends.

  D. The first is an intermediate conclusion that has been used to support a conclusion that the argument dends; the second is the position that the argument opposes.

  E. The first presents a claim that is disputed in the argument; the second is a conclusion that has been drawn on the basis of that claim.

  答案是A(楼主这题选错了,呜呜~~~~(>_<)~~~~ )

  以上就是12年2月17日更新的GMAT逻辑机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT逻辑的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接




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