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89.GWD原题 GWD
The company .... all its members, dead or alive, unnamed in the report.
A all its members&apos names
B all its members
C the identities of all of its members
确定选C 楼主选错了, 大家一定要注意
90.GWD 原题 161. (33613-!-item-!-188;#058&007011)
Unlike the other major planets, Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit, which is thus closer to the Sun
than Neptune is for 20 years out of every 230-year cycle, even though it is commonly described as
the remotest planet in the solar system. B
(A) Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit, which is thus closer to the Sun than Neptune is
(B) Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit and is thus closer to the Sun than Neptune is
(C) Pluto&aposs orbit is highly eccentric and is thus closer to the Sun than Neptune
(D) the orbit of Pluto is highly eccentric and thus closer to the Sun than Neptune
(E) the orbit of Pluto is highly eccentric, thus closer to the Sun than Neptune is
(A) which修饰紧临的名词orbit,不符合逻辑。
(B)正确,has… and is… 并列谓语,unlike连接比较对象planets和Pluto。
(C) planets与orbit对比,unlike比较对象不对等;orbit作主语,使句子表达了orbit is closer to…的意
(D) planets与orbit对比,unlike比较对象不对等;orbit作主语,使句子表达了orbit is closer to…的意
(E) planets与orbit对比,unlike比较对象不对等;orbit作主语,使句子表达了orbit is closer to…的意
91. 有一个 are alike to 。。的题 用逻辑意思可做出来,好像是区别定语从句或者 with从句
92.楼主第一个题犹豫了好久,一个句子。。。,from expanding。。。 and 。。。 (and 后面开始划线,这个题重点在于,其中有一个from。。。。to。。。的句式,要看清是用and +doing。。。还是补全 from… to… 一定要读懂语义)
93.说是企业更愿意雇佣expert 比有一般技术的人,(这个题选项比较trick)划线的是expert and。。。一开始还以为是并列,其实答案是 expert with 。。skill than 。。。
94. 好像还有一个题在哪见过,杰什么逊总统 和富兰克林总统,大家去考古一下
Feb 19
By 追梦小鱼
95考了,although, ..., 平行,
以上就是2012年2月19日更新的GMAT语法机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT语法的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接:
1.GMAT考试 2012年2月19日GMAT语法机经(二)
2.GMAT机经汇总 2月18日更新GMAT数学机经
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Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲