

GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 2月22日更新(二).

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  34. 【1次】by littleyya

  2年前某校computer instruction,graduate有成果,所以这一地区所有学校都要

  35. 【2次】by elinorshen

  The following appeared as part of an article in a magazine devoted to regional life.“Corporations should look to the city of Helios when seeking new business opportunities or a new location. Even in the recent recession, Helios’s unemployment rate was lower than the regional average. It is the industrial center of the region, and historically it has provided more than its share of the region’s manufacturing jobs. In addition, Helios is attempting to expand its economic base by attracting companies that focus on research and development of innovative technologies.”

  36. 【1次】by firstdrop

  A城市建立shopping mall却产生了很多问题,所以B也不应该建shopping mall

  37. 【2次】by enjoy677

  将豪华汽车摆放在展示地的前排要比把inexpensive model 的收入多,因此luxury automobiles line front and center of the showroom to attract cutomers.

  38. 【4次】 by fanofjeremylin

  information technology improvement will maximize a company’s profit

  39. 【1次】by wwc008love

  Five years ago,the country of Boria has hosted a soccer competition.The total income of tourism has increased by 20 percent after the competition.Obviously,in the coming years,it is reasonable to host an International competition in order to increase Boria&aposs tourism industry,since the successfully hosted competition five years ago has proved it can boost the tourism.AI:“Location has traditionally been one of the most important determinants of a business’s success. The importance of location is not likely to change, no matter how advanced the development of computer communications and others kinds of technology becomes.”

  40. 【1次】by rebecca1234

  Nove high school 用了interactive computer 之后辍学率低了, 毕业生有良好的表现,所以就建议所以这个地区的学校都要采取电脑教学

  41. 【3次】by vilanyu

  The director of MegaBurger restaurant wrote a letter to the owner of Cindy&aposs which have 2 restaurant in B city,大致内容如下:加入MEGA大家庭你们可以节省运营费用、广告费用,还可以在人们都很爱逛的national cloth store开店,people都喜欢在store附近吃,而且吃store menu上有的店,你们加入我们之后,就可以吸引客户来你们店里吃高质量的食物。

  42. 【1次】by anikakoko

  那个retail partner写信给另外一个说Palm Grove的real estate一直没涨价,但是Sandida Heigh的real estate在过去的several years里涨了很多,所以SH的房价很贵,PG的房价便宜,应该在PG买房子什么的

  43. 【1次】 by 亦优

  咖啡馆的CEO feedback page来获得顾客对于餐馆的满意度,然后由于得到的反馈少,所以他认为餐馆没有需要改进的地方

  44. 【1次】by liuliu165

  people who worked at office would be more successful that those who are self-employed and working from home.

  以上就是2012年2月22日更新的GMAT作文机经AA部分,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT作文的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 2月22日更新(一)



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