

GMAT考试 3月6日更新GMAT阅读机经(五).

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  第二段:高地的人是采用的vertical economy,到现在都还在用就是几千海拔种土豆,几千海拔放牧,几千海拔干嘛(高亮问说这个干嘛),这种模式有两种:一种是什么,介绍了一下;一种是什么,介绍了一下。最后一句说两者不同(有题)


By the sixteenth century, the Incas 16世纪时,南美印加人统治着沿着太of South America ruled an empire that 平洋延伸,从今天的厄瓜多尔到智利extended along the Pacific coast and 中部的安第斯高地的一个帝国。Line Andean highlands from what is now(5) Ecuador to central Chile. While most 虽然大部分印加人是自给自足的农of the Incas were self-sufficient 业户,居住于高地盆地9000尺以agriculturists, the inhabitants of the 上的人民可种的农作物是有限的。highland basins above 9,000 feet wereconstrained by the kinds of crops they(10) could cultivate. Whereas 95 percent 虽然95%的安第斯首要食物可以在of the principal Andean food crops can 3000尺以下垦殖,只有20%可以在be cultivated below 3,000 feet, only 9000尺以上存活。20 percent reproduce readily above9,000 feet. Given this unequal 面对不平衡的资源分配,高地印加(15) resource distribution, highland Incas 人为了扩充他们食物的种类和数量,needed access to the products of 需要得到低暖地区的产品。lower, warmer climatic zones in orderto enlarge the variety and quantity oftheir foodstuffs. In most of the prein- 在大部分的前工业化社会,资源配置(20) dustrial world, the problem of different 差异的问题是通过终端消费者极难resource distribution was resolved by 控制的远距离贸易网络解决的。long-distance trade networks overwhich the end consumer exercisedlittle control. Although the peoples 虽然安第斯高地的人民参与这种网(25) of the Andean highlands participated 络,他们还是主要依靠维护尽量多in such networks, they relied primarily 的生态区域里的自治生产力量。on the maintenance of autonomousproduction forces in as many ecologicalzones as possible. The 区域所产的商品被提炼加工运送,(30) commodities produced in these 这些全部由一个单独团体的成员zones were extracted, processed, 去做。and transported entirely by membersof a single group. 此为第一段,主要提出问题及解决方案

This strategy of direct access 这种由一个单独团体直接掌握最(35) to a maximum number of ecological 多的生态区域的策略叫做垂直经 zones by a single group is called 济。vertical economy. Even today, 时至今天,你可以看到安第斯社区one can see Andean communities 同时保持着12000尺以上牧场,maintaining use rights simultaneously 9000尺以上盆地薯田,及6000尺(40) to pasturelands above 12,000 feet, to 以下温暖农地的使用权力。potato fields in basins over 9,000 feet,and to plots of warm-land crops inregions below 6,000 feet. This 这个策略有两个主要变量。strategy has two principal variations.(45) The first is “compressed verticality,” 第一个叫扁平垂直,即一个独立村in which a single village resides in 庄住在容易控制附近生态区的地方。a location that permits easy accessto closely located ecological zones.Different crop zones or pasturelands 不同的农业区域或牧场与父系社区(50) are located within a few days walk of 都近在咫尺。the parent community. Community 社区成员可能临时住在其中一个低members may reside temporarily 的区域以管理家里无法获得的产品in one of the lower zones to manage 的提炼。the extraction of products unavailable(55) in the homeland. In the second variation, 第二个叫垂直群岛,即村庄在广泛called the “vertical archipelago,” 分布的地方开发资源,构建一系列the village exploits resources in widely 独立的生产“岛屿”。dispersed locations, constituting aseries of independent production(60) “islands.” In certain pre-Columbian 在某些前哥伦比亚印加社会中,各Inca societies, groups were sent from 团体离开家园,被派往遥远的热带the home territory to establish permanent 森林或沿岸地区建立永久卫星社区satellite communities or colonies 或殖民地。in distant tropical forests or coastal(65) locations. There the colonists grew 在那里这些殖民家种植农作物,crops and extracted products for their 提取自用和运给高海拔同胞的产品。own use and for transshipment backto their high-altitude compatriots.In contrast to the compressed 相对于扁平垂直系统,群岛系统里(70) verticality system, in this system, 是商品而非人在群岛里流通。commodities rather than peoplecirculated through the archipelago. 此为第二段,具体介绍解决方案,问题解决



1.GMAT考试 3月6日更新GMAT阅读机经(四)



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