

GMAT考试 3月6日更新GMAT阅读机经(六).

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  1P: 16C, Incas lived above 9000feet, whereas,.. unequal resources distribution… problem resolved by trade network exercised little control. Although, relied on primarily….

  2P: strategy called vertical economy. Two principle variations: compressed verticality(temporarily); vertical archipelago(permanent).. In contrast to….



  According to the passage, which of the following is true about the preindustrial long distance trade networks mentioned in line 22 ? 选B

  A. They were not used extensively in most of the preindustrial world.反

  B. They were used to some extent by the people of the Andean highlands.

  In most of the preindustrial world, the problem of different resource distribution was resolved by long-distance trade networks over which the end consumer exercised little control.

  C. They were not an fective means of solving the problem of different resource distribution.

  D. They necessitated the establishment of permanent satellite communities in widely dispersed locations.

  E. They were usul only for the transportation of products from warm climatic zones.



  According to the passage, the inhabitants of the Andean highlands resolved the problem of unequal resource distribution primarily in which of the following ways? 选E

  A. Following self-sufficient agricultural practices

  B. Increasing commodity production from the ecological zones in the highland basins

  C. Increasing their reliance on long-distance trade networks

  D. Establishing satellite communities throughout the Andean highlands

  E. Establishing production forces in ecological zones beyond their parent communities

  While most of the Incas were self-sufficient agriculturists,

  they relied primarily on the maintenance of autonomous production forces in as many ecological zones as possible.




  The passage suggests that as a way of addressing the problem of different resource distribution in the preindustrial world, the practice of vertical economy differed from the use of long-distance trade networks in that vertical economy allowed 选C

  A. commodities to reach the end consumer faster

  B. a wide variety of agricultural goods to reach the end consumer

  C. a single group to maintain control over the production process

  D. greater access to commodities from lower, warmer climatic zones

  E. greater use of self-sufficient agricultural techniques

  This strategy of direct access to a maximum number of ecological zones by a single group is called vertical economy.

  Given this unequal resource distribution, highland Incas needed access to the products of lower, warmer climatic zones in order to enlarge the variety and quantity of their foodstuffs. In most of the preindustrial world, the problem of different resource distribution was resolved by long-distance trade networks over which the end consumer exercised little control. Although the peoples of the Andean highlands participated in such networks, they relied primarily on the maintenance of autonomous production forces in as many ecological zones as possible. The commodities produced in these zones were extracted, processed, and transported entirely by members of a single group.



  The passage suggests that for an Andean highland village attempting to resolve the problem of unequal resource distribution, the strategy known as compressed verticality would probably be inappropriate for which of the following situations? 选D

  A. The village’s location is such that it is difficult for the village to participate in long-distance trade networks.

  B. The village does not have the resources to establish permanent satellite communities in production zones beyond the home community.

  C. The warm-land crop regions nearest to the village are all below 6,000 feet.

  D. The location of the village does not provide ready access to an adequate variety of ecological zones.

  E. The nearest crop production zones are located below the village, while the nearest pasturelands are located above the village.

  The first is “compressed verticality,” in which a single village resides in a location that permits easy access to closely located ecological zones.

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1.GMAT考试 3月6日更新GMAT阅读机经(五)



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