

GMAT考试 3月6日更新GMAT阅读机经(十一).

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  8. China exclusion act

  China exclusion[K1] act in 1982 related to the restriction of the immigration. This act has turn on hinge[K2] on the future immigration to USA.

  There is a question related to hinge, I chose “this is a small but critical factor…”



  After the Civil War, immigrants again began to stream to the United States. Between 1870 and 1900, nearly 12 million immigrants arrived--more foreign-born people than had come to the country in the preceding 70 years. During the 1870s and 1880s, the majority came from Germany, Ireland, and England--the principal source of immigration bore the Civil War. Even so, a relatively large group of Chinese immigrated to the United States between the start of the California gold rush in 1849 and 1882, when federal law stopped their immigration.

  While the majority of immigrants came to settle in the United States permanently, many worked for a time and returned home with whatever savings they had set aside from their work. The majority of Chinese immigrants, for example, were single men who worked for a while and returned home. At first, they were attracted to North America by the gold rush in California. Many prospected for gold on their own or labored for other miners. Soon, many opened their own businesses such as restaurants, laundries, and other personal service concerns. After the gold rush, Chinese immigrants worked as agricultural laborers, on railroad construction crews throughout the West, and in low-paying industrial jobs. With the onset of hard economic times in the 1870s, other immigrants and European Americans began to compete for the jobs traditionally reserved for the Chinese. With economic competition came dislike and even racial suspicion and hatred. Such feelings were accompanied by anti-Chinese riots and pressure, especially in California, for the exclusion of Chinese immigrants from the United States. The result of this pressure was the Chinese Exclusion Act, passed by Congress in 1882. This Act virtually ended Chinese immigration for nearly a century. As the following documents suggest, there were many opinions about this issue.




  美国内部中国移民法的。开始提出一个观点说这个移民法妨碍了中国人移民到美国,以前认为是只影响中国人的,但马上提出一个转折说其实也影响了其他的人 就是说不是针对中国人的,然后说这个法案怎么来的。只不过刚好实施之后刚好就影响中国人了,最后说其实对中国人也有一些好处,这些不允许被移民的人至少有 了一个DUE DATE,或者一个申诉的机会。






  [K1]exclusion 排斥

  [K2]hinge 铰链

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1.GMAT考试 3月6日更新GMAT阅读机经(十)



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