

GMAT考试 3月6日更新GMAT阅读机经(十六).

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  第二段:讲说本来是Gulf 暖流会把热带的海水带到大西洋然后给它加温的,有一个process,我考到这个process的细节题,但是因为南极冰水的注入,使得这个process被打乱了所以大西洋海水反而冷了。





  第一段:说有一个mini-ice age要imminent,原因竟然是全球变暖,然后就解释了一下为什么,就是说南极的冷水流入大西洋,和一个什么洋流碰上了,那个洋流的作用是吧来自tropic(这词不明白)的热量散发到大气里,会让大西洋两边都变暖,剩下的忘了。









  假设性的小冰河世纪会来,就是那个水变冷的问题。基本框架是北极(or 南极?)的冰化了水往大西洋流,原本平衡大西洋俩岸温度的从赤道来的暖水会被阻慢。关于这个海水为啥变冷的地方有题。


  The Role of the Atlantic(大西洋) Conveyor in Climate

  The cold water discovered in the subtropical Atlantic by Ellis in 1751 was, as Rumford theorised, brought there by a current which had originated in the polar region; temperature measurements in the real ocean and computer models show there is a southward outflow(流出量) of cold deep water from the Arctic(北极的) throughout the Atlantic. This cold water is replaced by warm surface waters, which gradually give off their heat to the atmosphere as they flow northward towards Europe. This acts as a massive "central heating system" for all the land downwind.

  The heat released by this system is enormous: it measures around 10^15 W, equivalent to the output of a million large power stations. If we compare places in Europe with locations at similar latitudes on the North American continent, its fect becomes obvious. Bodö in Norway has average temperatures of -2°C in January and 14°C in July; Nome, on the Pacific Coast of Alaska at the same latitude, has a much colder -15°C in January and only 10°C in July7. And satellite(卫星) images show how the warm current keeps much of the Greenland-Norwegian Sea free of ice even in winter, despite the rest of the Arctic Ocean, even much further south, being frozen.

  If the Atlantic &aposConveyor Belt&apos circulation is switched off in a computer model, a different climate forms in the virtual world. There is little change in ocean temperatures near the Equator, but the North Atlantic region becomes much colder than it is in reality, and the South Atlantic and other parts of the Southern Hemisphere become warmer. This experiment reveals that the Atlantic circulation moves heat from the South Atlantic below the Equator across the tropics to the North Atlantic - the heat is not coming directly out of the tropical region.

  So Rumford did not get it quite right: the ocean currents do not seem to do much to cool the "excessive heats" of the tropics, although they certainly play an important role in preventing excessive cold in Britain, Scandinavia and the rest of Northern Europe.

  Some of my scientific colleagues have compared climates with and without the Atlantic &aposConveyor Belt&apos in computer simulations using coupled ocean-atmosphere models8. These show that without the ocean heating, air temperatures would cool by up to 10°C averaged over a year. The chill(寒冷) is greatest near Scandinavia, but extends to a lesser extent right across Europe and much of the Northern Hemisphere.

  以上就是3月6日更新的GMAT阅读机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT阅读的解题规律,从而在GMAT考试中发挥出更好的水平。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 3月6日更新GMAT阅读机经(十五)



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