

GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 3月12日更新(一).

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  1. 3次


  V1. Argument是将buisness loan不应批给一家冰激凌分店。因为这个地方原来只有1家店,没有其他竞争者,这家店net revenues 还decrease by 10%。另外,当地天气常年如冬,推出没有什么ice-cream的需求,举例论证:所以当地只有1家ice-cream sale spot。


  The following appeared as part of a memorandum from the loan department of the Frostbite National Bank:

  “We should not approve the business loan application of the local group that wants to open a franchise outlet for the Kool Kone chain of ice cream parlors. Frostbite is known for its cold winters, and cold weather can mean slow ice cream sales. For example, even though Frostbite is a town of 10,000 people, it has only one ice cream spot—the Frigid Cow. Despite the lack of competition, the Frigid Cow’s net revenues fell by 10 percent last winter.”


  我们不应该批准那个希望开一家KK冰激凌连锁店的特许店的本地团体的借贷请求。Frostbite以其寒冷的冬天而闻名,而冷天气意味着冰激凌的销售不利。比如,虽然Frostbite是个有10000人的镇子,它却只有一家冰激凌店Frigid Cow。尽管缺乏竞争,Frigid Cow的净收入去年冬天下降了10%。


  1. Other factors in deciding whether to give loan to a company such as the credit of the company should be considered.

  2. Admittedly, the former and prospective performance of the company is also important when the bank has to make decision of whether or not should it give loan to a company. However, the author of the memorandum shows no sufficient evidence to support his or her proposal that the bank should not give loan to Kool Kone chain of ice cream parlors.

  3. The statistics last year does not necessarily denote the future trend.

  2. 2次


  V1. 那篇two lines of luxury and standard motoecycle

  V2. Prestige Motorcycle 有2个production line, 一个是luxury, 一个是standard, 要把luxury换成standard。。。因为luxury(1。 expensive parts.2 time consuming 3. standard profit很大)


  V1. 某厂经理决定streamling他家的生产线来提高利润。该厂有luxury摩托车和standard摩托车各一条生产线production line, 共2条。luxury摩托车的生产线产量特别少,因为luxury摩托车的部分生产需要由手工完成,而相比较standard摩托车的生产线是自动化批量生产,生产数量居多。该经理认为,如果将luxury摩托车的生产线转换为第二条standard摩托车的生产线,厂子“生产”的摩托车数量就会激增,因此“利润”也会增加。

  V2. streamling luxury摩托车的那个前面机经有写

  V3. 是那个把牛逼摩托车变成傻逼摩托车生产线的那个

  V4. 是说motorcycle的厂商准备将他的luxury的产品线裁掉,因为是hand making的,没有standard motorcycle用的robot的production line ficiently,因此裁掉luxury的,搞standard的会给公司创造更多的利润


  V1. 有两条手机生产线,一条生产豪华手机,一条生产一般普通手机。现在厂商决定改成全部都生产普通手机,以求利润提升。


  1. 生产数量少不代表利润少,薄利多销的利润不一定比高价少销的利润多

  2. 考虑品牌效应,一个品牌拥有其自己的奢侈品,或是质量极高的产品可以彰显地位,提高品牌知名度。比如奔驰车刚出来的时候,其他车在打价格战,惟独奔驰价格高,质量好,成为上层社会的人们为彰显身份的座驾。

  3. 不能保证都换成standard line以后生产的摩托车数量会“激增”

  4. 考虑供过于求的情况

  以上就是2012年3月12日更新的GMAT作文机经AA部分,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT作文的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT机经汇总 3月11日更新GMAT语法机经



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