

GMAT考试 3月19日更新GMAT逻辑机经(二).

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  V1 when actors are introduced as the expert of a certain field,这个actor用别人写的稿子给professional的人做一个演讲,听演讲的人会觉得这个人讲的很深入。然后好像有一个结论说人们是根据对做演讲人专业上的感觉来决定他演讲的内容是否深入的。问底下哪个similar的实验能证明这个结论

  狗主选项:让同一个actor对着同样一群人用同一篇别人写的稿子,但是introduced as beginner。By carriox(690)

  V2 答案和lz选的一样。By justinleeme(740,M50,V40)

  V3 专家顾演员讲课,自称很懂某行业,给这个行业的人讲课,结果听课的人说很受益。结论是:因为演员自称自己懂这个行业,所以人们才觉得收益。加强。

  狗主选项:当演员说自己不懂行业的时候,人们就不觉得收益了。By 枫腾惠子#2


  现在Online shopping越来越普及,人们可以have more choice,online shopping can also provide more products. 但是人们对于convention good,就是那些用的很多的商品,已经习惯了到某一个固定的地方去买,所以在convention goods上online shopping没有traditional shopping有优势。问flaw吧。

  狗主选项: fail to consider advantages other than a variety of goods that online shopping can provide. By carriox(690)


  ground telescopes are easily to be affected by Earth’s atmosphere。现在研究出了一种satellite telescope不会受atmosphere影响,所以以后人们会慢慢不用ground telescopes.问削弱。

  狗主选项:for detailed analysis of the weather condition,研究人员要用ground telescope提供的精确的图像,而satellite telescope提供不了这种图像。By carriox(690)


  说soybean oil含有太多的pesticide(杀虫剂),所以提议用一种什么新的油取代这种油。这种新的油energy ficient,but environment方面不怎么好。问支持。

  狗主选项:不会含有更多的pesticide,(貌似这个有削弱作用?)By quankeer(730)


  V1 RM(rapid eyemovement) sleep VS non-RM sleep有眼动睡眠和无眼动睡眠对思维能力的影响:A study was done involving an experimental and a controlgroup to have them learn to navigate a 3D maze. The blood flow in theparahippocampas gyrus increased in conjunction with the individual&apossperformance through the 3D maze. Participants were then trained in the maze for4 hours and later, during the various sleep cycles of nonREM sleep, REM sleepand wakulness, they were scanned twelve times using PET during the night. ThePET scan demonstrated a higher blood flow in the hippocampus during SWS/non-REMsleep due to the training from the previous day while the control groupexhibited no increased blood flow and they had not received the training theprior day. The brain activity during sleep, according to this study, would showthe events of the previous day does make a difference. One theory suggests amodel of Hippocampal-neocortical dialogue. "Two stages of hippocampalactivity have been proposed, the first being the recording of the memory duringwaking and the second involving the playback of the memory during nonREM sleep.This process of reactivation of memory firing sequences is believed togradually reinforce initially weak connections between neocortical sitesallowing the original information to be activated in the cortex independentlyof the hippocampus, and thus ensuring rreshed encoding capacity of thehippocampus." Maquet concluded that the areas of the brain involved withinformation processing and memory have increased brain activity during the slowwave sleep period. Events experienced in the previous day have more ficientand clearer memory recall the next day thus indicating that the memory regionsof the brain are activated during SWS/non-REM sleep instead of being dormant aspreviously thought.


  狗主选项:睡得最少的得分最低。By quankeer(730)

  V2 一个学者认为一个研究不能削弱眼球快速转动睡眠对某些技能有帮助。研究是找一帮人打字,结果那些眼球非快速睡眠的人表现好。

  选项是研究里面的技能和眼球快速睡眠有帮助的技能是不同的。By 野狗的理想

  以上就是12年3月19日更新的GMAT逻辑机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT逻辑的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 3月19日更新GMAT逻辑机经(一)



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