

GMAT考试 3月26日更新GMAT逻辑机经(一).

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  选项:因为特殊的occasions不允许吃鱼,还有是什么特殊的occasions不吃肉什么的,狗主选项:好像是一个那五十年里比较特殊的状况。By chenpeiwen1207 (730)


  The city of Workney, in raising bus fares from $1.00 to $1.25, proposed that 18 fare tokens be sold for $20.00 to alleviate the extra burden of the fare increase on the city’s low-income residents. Critics suggested alternatively that 9 fare tokens be sold for $10.00, because a $20.00 outlay would be prohibitive for low-income riders.

  The alternative proposal depends on which of the following assumptions?

  A. Low-income residents of Workney will continue to ride the buses in the same numbers despite the fare increase.

  B. Low-income riders would be more likely to take advantage of the savings afforded by the 9-token offer than would other riders.

  C. The outlay of $10.00 for the purchase of 9 fare tokens would not be prohibitive for low-income bus riders.

  D. The proposed fare increase is needed for the purchase of new buses for the city’s bus system.

  E. Buses provide the only means of public transportation in the city of Workney. By rachel910903(730,M51,V36)


  V1 大概说的是,让一群人来看屏幕上显示的一些东西,让他们用好或坏的词来评价这个东西。但一部分上面标了与物品本身好坏相反的词,当那时,人们的反应会变得慢一些。得出结论:那些标上去的东西会影响人们的反应(不确定是不是标上去的,一眼扫过,没仔细看)。问题也忘了具体是怎么说的,大概是support的意思。By rachel910903(730,M51,V36)

  V2 cue card和什么反应那篇,问的是前提。

  狗主选项:人们对cue card要有emotional feeling By nvtingzicai(700+,M50,V37)


  健身教练应该更加的certificated。因为很多来健身的人都是不太熟悉健身器材(类似这样的意思)吧,所以如果健身教练也是半桶水,就会使得健身的人处于危险中。问assumption。By chenapple8877(700,M49,V35)


  battery 转向electrical但是还是不能减轻污染,问为什么?

  狗主选项:电厂放出的污染比原来的电池更多。By chenapple8877(700,M49,V35)


  人们看报纸的少了,所以政府用来告知民众信息的popularity什么的就弱了,但是有观点认为音位现如今网络信息更新快,人们不会与信息脱节的. 归纳题。

  狗主选项:民众不会因报纸看的少了就对popularity 什么的弱了。By chenapple8877(700,M49,V35)

  变体 有结论说网络信息更新快,reader更倾向于在网上读各种文章,新闻什么的,威胁到报纸的地位,所以报纸那个政府拿来干嘛干嘛的作用就会慢慢消失。可这个结论是unwarranted.网络并不会影响到报纸的那个作用。归纳题

  狗主选项:说网络的出现+大家都去上网读新闻,导致报纸地位受到威胁是unwarranted的。应该是正确的。By 234713291(710,M51,V34)



  狗主选项:科学家没有考虑到survey中可能有其他因素导致高血压降低。By emptytime


  说一个攻击XX的广告改变了很多人对XX的投票。大部分人的投票结果分为两派(失忆中..),结论是这个广告对XX并没有害处。问support。By emptytime



  狗主选项:是和cost有关的。By hxh2215(720,M50,V37)


  通向哪个旅游景点有个路还是桥神马的经受不住2000以上的压力,我记得有,是GWD上的题。但因为我做这道题只有2分钟了,完全没心思读……。By dandan1992


  Now the Peruviangovernment is installing a cable car that will make access much easier, andhence results in a large increase in tourisms. However, since the presence oflarge numbers of tourists tends to accelerate the deterioration of a site,installation of a cable car is certain to result in harm to the ruins.

  Which of thollowing, if true, most seriously calls into question the argument?

  A. Thedaily number of tourists that are expected to take the cable car to Machu Picchu is smallerthan the original resident

  B. Theconstruction of the cable car terminal at Machu Picchu will require the use of potentially damagingheavy machinery at the site.

  C. Machu Picchu is already one of the most populartourist sites in Peru

  D. Naturalweathering will continue to be a more significant cause of the deterioration ofMachu Picchu than tourist traffic

  E. Thecable car will replace the tour buses whose large wheels and corrosive exhaustat present do significant damage to the site.

  以上就是12年3月26日更新的GMAT逻辑机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT逻辑的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 3月19日更新GMAT逻辑机经(十一)

2.GMAT考试 3月19日更新GMAT逻辑机经(十二)

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