

GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 3月26日更新(五).

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7. 6次


  V1. 论述一下physical activity和sports是不是as important as 学术 in education(感觉好像初高中作文哦 有木有)


  V1. Physical activity and sports are as important to students&apos education as academics.

  V2. physical activities are as important as academics.

  V3. 对学生来说体育锻炼和知识一样重要


  l Partially agree. 体育锻炼对于人很重要,但是对于大多数普通的学生来说,其重要性没有专业课学习来的重要。(less important than professional study for the majority of students, except for those who have a talent for sports and want to become a professional athletes in the future.)

  l 适量的体育运动(appropriate physical activities)有益于(benicial to)身体健康(healthy),能够帮助学生提高大脑的记忆能力、反应速度(Improve the mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience ; enhance the ability to perceive and respond quickly)。(一个试验,说不运动只读书的人的大脑记忆能力比较差poor memory, 而对照组中In the controls, 大脑的记忆能力与体育锻炼的多少呈正比例关系。)所以体育锻炼很重要,不能被忽视。

  l 但是对于大多数学生而言,体育运动虽然重要,仍然只能排在学习之后,只能适量锻炼。

  1) 学生的主要职责是学习,为了将来进入社会工作做准备。公司不会因为你体育很好而录用你。

  2) 过度的体育运动会影响学习,因为会消耗很大的体能(consume/exhaust all our energy)。

  l 反对者会说,体育锻炼和运动同样重要,是因为体育运动能够保证我们长寿、更好的生活的前提。但是这一点不能泯灭学习对于生活的重要性,没有学习就等于没有工作,没有工作就要饿死,还谈什么身体健康?因此,从重要性来说,还是学习更加重要一点,锻炼排在第二。

  8. 7次


  V1. Business, more than the government organization, have the duty for society’s problems.

  V2. Businesses, rather than government organizations, have a duty to address society’s problems.

  V3. “Businesses, even more than the government organizations, have a duty to address society’s problems.”

  V4. Business ,more than the government of the organization duty to the social Problems.

  V5. Businesses, even more than government organizations, have a duty to address the society’s problems. (应该就是原话)


  1. 就business来说,是有义务处理社会问题的,因为business的profit来自于社会,应该有所回馈,比如可以做些慈善,宣传环保等等

  2. 但是,more than(rather than)government是不确切的,business的duty是志愿性质的,government的duty是其本职工作

  3. government的存在就是为了维护公民权益,维护社会秩序

  以上就是2012年3月26日更新的GMAT作文机经AI部分,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT作文的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

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