

GMAT考试 2017年3月28日GMAT语法机经(十).

2017/08/10 16:43:07 编辑: 浏览次数:68 移动端


  97. By candykim



  The dash is flexible punctuation mark that the GMAT occasionally employs. You can use a dash as a emphatic comma, semicolon, or colon.(具有前三个符号的功能,就是冒号,分号和逗号)

  Sometimes, a dash is used to separate an appositive from an item in a list

  E.g. My three best friends- Danny, Jimmy, and Joey- and I went skiing.

  You can also use the dash to restate or explain an earlier part of the sentence. Unlike the colon, the dash does not need to be immediately preceded by the part needing explanation.(不一定与被解释部分紧密相连)

  E.g. Post-MBA compensation for investment bankers tends to surge far ahead of that for management consultants- by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollar a year.


  98. By gogogoray

  SC有个破折号,2个选项才一个,一个是by virtue of,一个是in light of

  Explain: 参考第88题

  by virtue of adv.

  依靠, 由于

  99. By treewing929


  我只考了一道破折號, 但記得不難, 只要關注破折號前後語法要一致便可以了, 破折號內容可以忽略.

  有考 not only, but also

  有考平行: to X and to Y

  有考 suggestive of VS suggest (我排除了前者)

  突然想起: 還有考 if VS as if

  我記得有一兩條短劃線問題 (只highlight 幾個words),竟然比長劃線苦惱.....

  100. By wxyzzxt


  101. By livia730

  sc确实挺难 还是我后来越做越难 后来三四个都是大长线啊 都没时间看了 12分钟十道题 死的心都有了

  102. By sissi爱英语


  The discussion of......具体记得不是很清楚,反正大家注意后面有was 和 were的可以区分,排除几个选项,discussion嘛,对应单数

  103. By sissi爱英语

  The debate .....具体也记得不是很清楚,唉 对不起大家,后面的选项有 about whether... or whether 也有没有about 只有whether的, 这里应该可以区分

  104. By sissi爱英语

  还遇到了一道原题~~ 我去找找 再给大家说~

  Explain: 留个位置以后填

  105. By LIAOYA

  verbal 的语法出现了很多标点, 有道破折号,是考它的插入语的作用,在句中。还有破折号在句尾的,没选,选的是逗号加上结果状语

  106. By lorettaleng


  有道题是选with the result that。。。

  还有2个斜体的item ,,,rering。。。我选了选项中有谓语动词的那个

  107. By lorettaleng


  Most states impose limitations on the authority of the legislature to borrow money, with their objectives being to protect taxpayers and the credit of the state government.

  to borrow money, with their objectives being to protect

  to borrow money, the objectives of which are the protecting of

  to borrow money, limitations intended to protect

  for borrowing money, of which the objective is protecting

  for borrowing money, limitations with the intent of protecting


  以上就是2012年3月28日更新的GMAT语法机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT语法的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 2012年3月28日GMAT语法机经(九)

2.GMAT机经汇总 3月26日更新GMAT作文AI部分机经


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