

GMAT考试 2017年3月28日GMAT语法机经(十一).

2017/08/10 16:43:03 编辑: 浏览次数:81 移动端


108. By peddy





  109. By wxc1125


  考了2个as well as 的 以前不是说这个不好么。。。但是我觉得这次确实得选这个 and的都不对啊!!and also的不选

  Explain: as well as 没有不好啊!狗主怎么会有这样的想法o(╯□╰)o

  110. By wxc1125

  语法最后一题特别犹豫 是说南非还是哪儿的因为天气变化引起的人口数量变化是要大于anywhere else的 我在ab里纠结,因为后面那句是,where。。。。这个where应该修饰南非。cde前半句都是以anywhere else结尾的。但是!!!我觉得ab的more than不并列!c很并列!所以很纠结!!!

  111. By wxc1125

  还遇到个破折号的 -andxxx-of。。。还是-and xxx of-我选的是of在外面的。。

  还有个逻辑主语的 在两个选项中纠结。with。。。。人怎么怎么着。。having had。。。人怎么怎么着。我选了第一个。不确定。

  112. By wxc1125

  还有个empathize on more什么什么 than什么什么 did。还有个put more empathy(名词形式 我不会拼)on 什么什么 than 什么什么。。其实这俩是一个意思。。但第一个有did 后一个没did 我觉得不该加did 因为第一个里的动词是empathize 我觉得和后面的did不搭调啊。。。

  113. By tomzhu

  语法,没有考到标点符号。。平行和逻辑主语很多,有connect with 和connect to


  114. By草宝宝的影子



  115. By 佟佳雁衡

  语法有个长划线的 好像是GWD原题…好像是第一个女作家什么的…可以考古…超多标点这次。哭了


  Turning away from literary realism to write romantic stories about the peasant life and landscape of northern Sweden, in 1909 Selma Lagerlof was the novelist who became the first woman and was also the first Swedish writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

  A. Turning away from literary realism to write romantic stories about the peasant life and landscape of northern Sweden, in 1909 Selma Lagerlof was the novelist who became the first woman and was also the first Swedish writer to win

  B. She turned away from literary realism and wrote romantic stories about the peasant life and landscape of northern Sweden, and novelist Selma Lagerlof in 1909 became the first woman as well as the first Swedish writer that won

  C. Selma Lagerlof was a novelist who turned away from literary realism to write romantic stories about the peasant life and landscape of northern Sweden, and in 1909 she became the first woman in addition to the first Swedish writer winning

  D. A novelist who turned away from literary realism to write romantic stories about the peasant life and landscape of northern Sweden, Selma Lagerlof became in 1909 the first woman and also the first Swedish writer to win

  E. As novelist, Selma Lagerlof turned away from literary realism and wrote romantic stories about the peasant life and landscape of northern Sweden, in 1909 becoming the first woman and also the first Swedish write that won

  116. By h14zpsn

  语法的话貌似是难点,估计我也就是在这里跪掉了。考到了破折号和冒号的用法。平行比较容易所以可以忽略。还有一个最后两个选项是both of whom XXX, 还有each of which ,我不知道选哪个了,题目好像是,XXXXX collectaries, such as 人名 in 书名,(评价内容),人名in 书名, both of whom XXX

  以上就是2012年3月28日更新的GMAT语法机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT语法的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.总结GMAT语法中that which的使用技巧(二)

2.GMAT考试 2012年3月28日GMAT语法机经(十)


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