

GMAT考试 2017年3月28日GMAT语法机经(十三).

2017/08/10 16:42:55 编辑: 浏览次数:66 移动端


130. By xingym

  SC: 说某地考古挖掘出来了什么。。。。暂且用discovery来代替, 内容我记不住了, 大致如下, 细节不重要。

  a) the discovery suggests, dispite the negative claims of other anthropologists, that the animal had lived in the area for at least 4000 years

  b) the discovery suggests that dispite the negative claims of other anthropologists, the animal had lived in the area for at leat 4000 years

  这道题考的是that的位置, 但本意是考语义; 到底 dispite.......这一段内容是不是suggests的内容

  131. By xingym

  考了大量的平行, 但是要靠语义才能判断谁和谁平行, 当然也有both ... as well这种傻题 (再次想说这个月比上个月容易太多)

  132. By perfectrrccj


  记得最后一道RC是一堆a more, a more, 的并列,最后LZ选的to become,具体题记不清了不好意思啊。。。

  133. By xingym

  a) debate wheter...., or whether

  b) debate as to whether....

  c) debate about wheter

  选啥啊, 我选了A, GWD好像有类似的, 考古吧


  134. By 包子跑来跑去

  SC我记得有一个 due in part to 还有一个之前有人碰到过的选as well as的题目 还有一题virture by和in light of两个选项我纠结了半天 大家看一下

  Explain:in light of参考第88题


  As well as 参考第109题

  135. By 234713291

  1. 冒号(解释前面内容,5个选项中唯一含有冒号的选项,挺确定的)

  2. 破折号,可是题目的点并不都在破折号,破折号就在唯一的选项当中,补充解释的作用,做题的时候先看主谓一致之类的。。。(记得答案形式是:xxx-both…and…-xxx. 挺确定的。)

  3. Calling for xxx, and for xxx 好美丽的平行结构!!!確定

  (call for…)

  4.Japan ,..................(有一个人名)………….,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  我选的选项是 an act that….就是一个同位语的感觉。。。== 確定


  选项: digital copies of digital recordings are clear just as original is

  digital copies of digital recordings are just as clear as original recordings




  6.另外有一题我选的选项形式是xxxxxxx, DESPITEblablabla, xxxxxx 確定。

  Explain: 可以结合第130题来看


  Explain:The background is that traditionally like is a preposition and as is a conjunction.

  When to use “like”, when to use “as”?

  The proper way to differentiate between like and as is to use like when no verb follows (2). For example, Squiggly throws like a raccoon or It acted just like my computer. Notice that when I use like, the words that come after are generally simple. A raccoon and my computer are the objects of the preposition.

  If the clause that comes next includes a verb, then you should use as. For example, Squiggly throws as if he were a raccoon or It acted just as I would expect my computer to behave. Notice that when I use as, the words that come after tend to be more complex.

  Rerence: www.aoji.cn

  136. By liyujack

  有道是公司里的人to analyze why 客户买竞争对手(一个诡异的单词)的货品and to make strategies 划线

  选项有to combact it

  for combacting it

  to comabact these



  137. By xiaxia0703

  语法:有考到时间状语不能随意变动位置。 *****last year, last year貌似是修饰前面那个名词。所以不能把last year放最前面

  138. By xiaxia0703


  139. By xiaxia0703

  有考到being...是第一题,而且我选的是A being的那个选项。因为感觉其他选项都不靠谱

  以上就是2012年3月28日更新的GMAT语法机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT语法的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接


2.GMAT考试 2012年3月28日GMAT语法机经(十二)

3.GMAT机经汇总 3月9日更新GMAT语法机经

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