

GMAT考试 3月29日更新GMAT阅读机经(二).

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  19.group size theory


  先是一个人提出了一个“group size theory" 说的是动物在一个大的group里面比在一个小的group里面decrease vigilance,作者是这样解释就是在一个大的group里面大家spend更多时间一起寻找食物之类的and the predator is more easily to detect.后来又有一个人提出了reduced risk theory(大概是),他是这样解释的就是在一个比较大的group里面每个个体individually 被predator 发现的几率变小了,所以动物在一个大的group里面decrease vigilance.最后作者又分析了一下说以上两种观点忘记conder other factors directly影响vigilance了,具体是啥忘记了

  题目有:文章主旨,一开始的两个人在什么地方differ in point 还有啥忘记了。。


  第一段:两种解释:一个学者提出观点“group size theory",说的是动物在一个大的group里面比在一个小的group里面decrease vigilance。

  群居时集体力量大,个人付出少。因为group增大,发现捕食者的机率就大,所以有更多时间feed。(这里有题,问如果是个体与群体比较 有什么区别,选个体feed的时间少于群体)

  (The group spend more time to feed and the predator is more easily to detect)

  另一个学者提出观点(reduced risk theory),因为group大,那么里面的每个个体被捕食的机率就小了。减小了自己被prey的概率,所以可以放松警惕。

  第二段:最后作者however一下,说是动物群居和警惕性下降两者之间可能没有直接关系,其实也有可能 有更多的原因导致警惕性下降(consider other factors directly influence vigilance),比如,某个群体feed后代很好,就会吸引更多的个体加入,这样群体会花很多时间在提高生存质量上,所以忽略了。


  我选的是present several explanations on..




  第一段:动物警惕性和规模之间有一定的关系,通常group size越大,单个动物的警惕性越小。然后有两个人给出了两种解释:Group size hypothesis和 Risk reduce Hypothesis(有问题问这两种假设的区别)



  One explanation for the tendency of animals to be more vigilant in smaller groups than in larger ones assumes that the vigilant behavior—looking up, for example—is aimed at predators. If individuals on the edge of a group are more vigilant because they are at greater risk of being captured, then individuals on average would have to be more vigilant in smaller groups, because the animals on the periphery of a group form a greater proportion of the whole group as the size of the group diminishes.

  However, a different explanation is necessary in cases where the vigilant behavior is not directed at predators. J. Krebs has discovered that great blue herons look up more often when in smaller flocks than when in larger ones, solely as a consequence of poor feeding conditions. Krebs hypothesizes that the herons in smaller flocks are watching for herons that they might follow to better feeding pools, which usually attract larger numbers of the birds.

  以上就是3月29日更新的GMAT阅读机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT阅读的解题规律,从而在GMAT考试中发挥出更好的水平。 相关链接

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3.GMAT考试 3月29日更新GMAT阅读机经(一)

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