

GMAT考试 3月29日更新GMAT阅读机经(五).

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  第二段:说,前一个strategy的好处。however,第二个也有他的好处。又是however,说第二个重视personality等rather than...(这里出题了,问第二个的优点,可惜答案好几个都好象有对有错,不会选)。







  说是以前只注重 QUANTITIVE 例如交通和原料等等 但是这通常会被政府的政策所影响 例如利率的高低变化会使得原有的优势消失 第二段说要注重qualitative 例如当地人的素质和工作技能。


  公司应该如何选择他的位置,给出了两种说法:1, quantitative大多数的manager都只看一些外部的影响因素,比如说交通便利、税率之类的,但长期发展下去对公司不好。2, qualitative是要看在公司周围能产生更高的竞争力之类的,然后公司在长远的看就可以持续地发展。


  有关于manufacture的选址问题 寂静里有(有道题说那个analysis的不足在哪儿,LZ选的是在其他地方就没法用了,可能选错了。。)


  Manufacturing site location is an important consideration in determining the optimal deployment of a firm’s production resources, but one that is usually given only limited attention. Decisions about location are often based purely on quantitative analyses that trade off transportation costs, economies of scale, and other cost-based variables. This practice, however, can lead to suboptimal results, as decision-makers tend to focus only on easily quantifiable factors. A further disadvantage of strictly cost-based methods is that they tend to focus on cost advantage factors, which are often transitory Government regulations, tax systems, and exchange rates can quickly change. Strategies based on such parameters may eventually be rendered obsolete by the very factors that first created an advantage.

  In contrast, qualitative issues, which are frequently neglected in choosing manufacturing site locations, are often central to creating and supporting a competitive advantage. For example, the level of skill possessed by the local workforce varies with location; consequently, location can affect the ability of firms to implement skill-based process technologies. When formulating a site location strategy, companies should therore emphasize qualitative factors to ensure that the chosen strategy supports the company’s overall business strategy. Only after establishing a set of desirable location options should companies rine choices using cost-based factors.


  Q13. The passage suggests which of the following concerning qualitative methods used in choosing manufacturing sites?

  A. They are more likely than are quantitative methods to identify issues crucial to maintaining a competitive advantage

  B. They are least usul to companies with relatively low levels of manufacturing technology

  C. They have little value when applied to decisions other than choice of site

  D. They are more risky for decision makers than are quantitative methods

  E. They are used more frequently by multinational corporations than by companies with strictly domestic operations.


  Q14. According to the passage, analysis of quantitative factors is best used for which of the following?

  A. Determining strategies for offsetting qualitative disadvantages in manufacturing site locations

  B. Evaluating manufacturing site-location parameters affecting long-term competitive advantage

  C. Choosing manufacturing site locations that have access to optimal workforce populations

  D. Narrowing manufacturing site location options arrived it through qualitative analysis

  E. Making decisions about business considerations other than location of manufacturing sites


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2.GMAT机经汇总 3月6日更新GMAT阅读机经


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