

GMAT考试 3月29日更新GMAT阅读机经(十二).

2017/08/10 16:41:49 编辑: 浏览次数:218 移动端







  第一段:先是一个类比,就像人可以模仿mimic声音一样,handwriting也是可以被模仿的。然后提出了两种不同的笔迹,一个是class的,解释说是属于一个group 的, 还有一个是individual的,是personal的。Class characteristic 是可以被模仿的,而indi的不能

  第二段:the most common error made by 检查者是当他们看到他们unfamiliar不熟悉的笔迹的时候,就以为是individual的了,但实际上是class, 因为这样的错误导致很多人被怀疑是forger.

  然后to avoidthis mistake, 检查者要熟悉各种的handwriting,especially 古代的,他们不熟悉的笔迹。后面应该还有几句话是说什么more familiar with … less probability to make error之类的,具体不记得了,但是最后一句话有考题,就是more…more..less的地方。







  Q2:通常导致错误的原因是什么? 答检查者不能够区分class和individual。



  Handwriting identification is based on the principle that,while handwriting within a language tends to be alike to the degree that we canmeaningfully read it, there are individual features that distinguish oneperson&aposs writing from that of another. Just as no two people are exactly alike,the handwritings of no two people are exactly alike in their combination ofcharacteristics. There are, of course, natural variations within the handwriting of each individual. These variations must beclosely and carully studied by the examiner, so that he can distinguishbetween what is a "variation" and what is a "difference".

  The examiner must also be cognizant of thedifferences between "class characteristics" and "individualcharacteristics". Class characteristics are those which are common to agroup such as a particular writing system, family grouping, foreign languagesystem, or professional group. Individual characteristics are those whichare personal or peculiar letters or letter combinations, which, taken together,would not occur in the writing of another person.

  Handwriting identification is a comparison studyrequiring authenticated specimens of known handwriting from the individual(s)concerned. These are closely compared to the handwriting characteristicsexhibited by the questioned writing in order to determine authorship. Likemust be compared to like: printing to printing and cursive to cursive, withcomparable letters, letter combinations, words, and numerals.

  34. TiO2物质的应用和局限


  ①讲TiO2元素的好处,是可以消除水里面的污染,消除汽车尾气污染。natural用好长时间才能自净的 污染,TiO2一会就能解决。并解释原因是因为它能光合作用


  ③最后一段是个转折,说TiO2的局限性,TiO2只能和小范围的sun light spectrum 反应,所以用起来并不简单

  Fourth Topic: The fect of TiO2 (a chemical)

  第一段: TiO2 is a chemical that can help dissolve pollutants, and it went on to explain how.Tio2 can produce photosynthesis fect to preserve the environment.

  第二段:Mentioned through two examples, both of which are countries that use TiO2 to reduce pollution.

  One in Japan and the other in Hong Kong, that people are finding new ways to use TiO2 to fight pollution. The HK example is about using TiO2 to absorb waste gas from cars on the street.

  第三段: However, this substance has limitations .It is not very easy to apply TiO2 since it only works when reacts with a very small portion of the spectrum from the sun light.


  Q1:第二段举很多例子是各国利用该物质降低pollution, such as ,clean医院的surface,汽车的什莫东,对这些例子注意有列举题,问哪一个不是该物质的好处?


  Q2:第三段是该物质的局限性,因为Dio只能和小范围的sun light spectrum 反应,有一题就是问此缺陷



  第一段:TiO2-某种物质可以用于paint,和hospital,该物质可以photosynthesis 产生光合作用而保护环境。

  第二段:举很多例子是各国利用该物质降低pollution, such as ,clean医院的surface,汽车的什莫东,对这些例子注意有列举题,问哪一个不是该物质的好处,注意不要错选A,因A是第一段作为paint的好处。找其他选项,与例子有些出入的选项。

  第三段:是该物质的局限性,因为Dio只能和小范围的sun light spectrum 反应,有一题就是问此缺陷,选那个spectrum的选项。

  35. Racial issue

  Du Bois在研究racial issue的事情。

  第一段:是说他的第一本书主张一个理论是要把种族和社会放在一起研究之类的 要完全的unbias

  第二段:说他之后发现empirical data不够还是怎样 然后就转了理论说种族还是会被先天歧视之类之类的。最后引用了第二本书里的一句话来证明他的观点的改变。有问关于这句话作用的题。

  以上就是3月29日更新的GMAT阅读机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT阅读的解题规律,从而在GMAT考试中发挥出更好的水平。 相关链接


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3.GMAT考试 3月29日更新GMAT阅读机经(十三)

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