

GMAT考试 4月9日更新GMAT阅读机经(五).

2017/08/10 16:39:27 编辑: 浏览次数:207 移动端


7*. 出口补助subsidise

  by levanself



  V1 by paulinezhu

  还有一个是一些国家支持Export就subsidise出口的那些公司,是其它国家的公司,因为没有补助,结果有了competitive disadvantage。

  从战略上讲,有三种方法可以对付这个。第一个是提供更好的产品和相关服务。第二个是神马忘了。第三个是说那个没有补助的公司如果是multinational corporations的的话,应该让坐落在那个给补助的国家(host country)的分公司生产产品然后返销进那个国家。

  V2 by tree830224



  第三段:提出没有出口补贴的multi公司存在另一种可能性。如果在乎增加利润更甚于有效发展,则可以采取让位于host country的子公司生产,从而获得出口补贴,增加其竞争力。(有题:第三段暗示了什么?我选了出口补贴可以增加利润rather than有效发展);




  Q4:第三段暗示了什么?我选了出口补贴可以增加利润rather than有效发展



  8. 工业革命和女性工作

  V1:by walayilansusu


  参考文献(by 清飞扬)

  Working-class women

  1) Early Victorian working-class women

  The most working-class girls who were born into poor families had to go to workfrom an early age. After the industrial revolution had started more workerswere needed to work in the cotton mills or in the mines. Now the father didn’tjust work as usual, the whole family had to work to live because the paymentwas so low. Sometimes payment was so low it was only cents a day. Children andwomen had to work, because the incame of the familyfather was not enough forfood rent and clothes. Unusual of the factorywork was that the children andwomen did not work under care of the housather but under foreign people.Women were prerred because they were cheap and obedient, they’d also do allthe work men rused to do. The main reason why women were prerred wasbecause employers paid them one half to one third as less as men. This wouldn’tbe such a terrible storyunless you knew what kind of conditions women workedunder. They had to work 14 to 16 hour shifts six days a week and on their dayoff they’d do nothing but sleep. Women’s jobs during the industrial revolutionweren’t like that at all. The women’s work in factories was very monotonous,doing the same weaving or whatever all day long. Being monotonous wasn’t thebiggest problem though, work was extremely hazardous to their health. Manywomen in textile mills got lung disease because of all the dusty air theybreathed in during work. Exspecially there women and children were prerredbecause they were more skillfuller in making knots and in cutting off threads.One of the worst atrocities were the condition women worked under in coalmines. They were forced to do the work with no protective laws. It was terriblyhot down in the mines so sometimes the women would work in nothing but loosetrousers. Women even worked when they were pregnant, sometimes giving birthdown the mines. The work was harder for women too, they had to crawl in and outof the earth throught narrow tunnels hauling the coal harnessed to them becausethey were smaller than men could fit in smaller tunnels which men couldn’t. Oneresult of the strain was that women were often ill became old faster and diedearlier.


  Between 1750 and 1900 life was dominated by men and women had very few legalrights. To improve their stiuation women tried to get the right tovote(suffrage). In 1860 a number of small organisations were established bywomen to reach the suffrage. 1897 Millicent Garret Fawcett set up the nationalunion of women’s suffrage societies (NUWSS). They fought for equality of menand women, and of course, co-ordinated the activities of the suffrage societiescollecting petitions and tried to win support, unsuccesfull. A reason for thebadprogress was that many people were against the equality, as they thoughtwomen should stay at home and be good mothers and wives without any interest inpolitics and the world of work. A young poor unmarried girl had big problems toearn her money so she often became governess for children from well-offmiddle-class families, teaching them how to catch a husband and being a goodwife, thoug it meant that they would be lonely and badly paid. WilliamThackeray had the opinion that women should be like a good slave, obedient,humble, flattering, doing anything to please the husband. While Thomas Huxleywas caught in the illusion that the man is superior than women in everything,physicalbeauty, average, menatl and physical. With these kinds of statementswomen were supressed and of course of being used to it they accepted their lowpositions in society, not knowing that their value was much bigger and higherthan any man imagined. But still there was a small group of women who wereunhappy with the way they were treated and cried out for more rights. One ofthese women was mary Wollestonecraft who said: “ I do not wish women to havepower over men, but over themselves!” But on the other side, the women who hadthe power over men and women, Queen Victoria, was not very pleased with therights the ladies demanded, she wished them to accept the way it was.


  In some well-off middle-class family, there was a governess and/orhouseholdmaid. First a housemaid was a sign of money and good familiar positionin society. But as time went by many families had maids so wifes hadn’t toomuch to work and their children didn’t know another way of live WITHOUT beingserved. An examination in 1900 proved that most domestic servants came fromsmall villages. (40000 girls came to the big cities every year) Having no moneythey took a job as maid, also if they were only 14 or so, (96% were in that ageand of course unmarried), and when they reached the age of 30 their energy wasused up so they were dismissed.

  Working hours of housemaids

  51,5% worked more than 16 hours a day

  46,5% 12-16 hours a day

  And only 2% less than 12 hours

  Dayof a housemaid:

  Get up at 6 o’clock, make fire, boil water, clean dinner and livingroom. Afterthat she is supposed to prepare breakfast, help the children in getting readyand bring them to school. When that’s done she cleans up the children andsleeping room. The only thing of the day that lets her relax a bit is shopping,because people have a small chat at the budger, backer e.g. Work goes on withpreparing and serving lunch, and washing up.

  One third of the women in England went into domestic servise during theindustrial revolution, serving all the new upper class women who were marriedto the newly affluent men all of the new companies. As domestics they had togive up pretty much of their freedom. But they were able to see their familyand friends.

  Life for a maid was hard, she was paid badly, she had to eat old rests, aloneand without saying a word, her bed was in the kitchen, just near the oven so italways got damn hot. Some maids were sexually abused by their master, like AnneMosegaard, a former maid, she remembered:

  I was 14 years old when I started my work as maid, my master gave me a warmwelcome and told me that if I work hard he would be a father for me, but boreI reached the age of 16 he abused me sexually, he who wanted to be a father tome. This wasn’t a seldom case, but maids were bound to their masters and theydid what they where told, even if they knew something was wrong they didn’tinterfere, knowing they weren’t entitled questioning the masters’ authority..

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