

GMAT考试 4月10日更新GMAT逻辑机经(二).

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  有个说government revenue of the country’s hotel rental这几年升高了,但是这几年这个国家的tax rate on hotel rental和total amount of hotel rental都没有升高。

  楼主表示看完就当场傻逼了= =…这是怎么回事…

  最后选了这个国家通货膨胀了(inflation),但是楼主后来又想,如果是通货膨胀也应该total amount跟着涨么不是?(表示不是学商的真心不太懂= =桑感)….还有个选项是说租出去的房间比以前多了。

  By violahy (ID: 675947) 740分


  V1. 有个叉叉地方,酒店税率没变,酒店和游客都没增加,结果酒店税收增加了。求咋回事?




  By cheesecake959 (ID: 680257) 2011年12月660分

  V2. 很多人抱怨旅馆税收高,于是政府降低税率,但是收到的总税收还是不变,于是得出结论旅游人数增加,问假设


  By 西米露567 (ID: 683071) 2011年12月700分

  V3 有一个是讲一个度假圣地的旅馆费用很高,所以这个国家就想办法降低税收,但是降低了以后呢发现我靠这个税收的钱一点没少哇,咋回事呢?这个国家就想一定是因为降低税收以后住旅馆的人多了。问assumption. 我选的是:旅客住店的平均时间没有变长。(没有找到“旅客集中住在收费较高的旅店里”这个选项)还有一个选项很有迷惑性,我看了三遍才看出来:这些旅店相比其去年的其他地方的旅店来说没有提价。


  V4. 酒店税收。变体吧~说有个国家酒店税收1990年明显高于1985年,按照1990年的dollar 的value讲,但是税率和酒店数量并没有变,问原因。狗主选的是E:1990年的酒店相比1985年的酒店明显有更多的酒店处在税率最高的那一档。





  By luckyxmx (ID: 614956) 2011年11月690分

  V5. 一个地方的政府在某段时间里从该地酒店入住额中收取的税收收入显著增加,而经过调查发现这一段时间里该地的税率没有增加,并且入住酒店总人数也没有增加,问怎么解释这一矛盾?答案:这一时段内入住税率相对较高的酒店的人数显著增加。(确定为正确答案,有点绕)

  By tongjihansey (ID: 589507) 2011年11月760分

  V6. 说有个国家酒店税收1990年明显高于1985年,按照1990年的dollar 的value讲,但是税率和酒店数量并没有变,问原因。 这里的解释是tax rates and hotel room rental 没变,我不是很明白后面那个是指每个房间的rental没变还是什么。我选,1990年的酒店相比1985年的酒店明显有更多的酒店larger proportion处在税率最高的那一档。有个选项是说:平均住的时间长了。


  By ftdonnaf (ID: 641621) 740分

  V7. “Hotel Tax rates”。千万不要选B: “The stays at the hotels were longer in 1990 than in 1985”。题目已给出“The revenues from the hotel remained the same” (就是酒店没多赚钱, 怎么可能长住呢?)

  选C: Compared to 1985, in 1990 more proportion of people stayed at hotels with the higher tax rates.

  By 梦离ouzi (ID: 535664) 760分

  V8. GWD原题

  Tourists have long complained that hotel accommodations in Midville are too expensive. Starting last year, the city council, hoping to attract more tourists, lowered the hotel tax rate to 5 percent of room charges. By the end of last year, Midville had taken in no less money from hotel taxes than it did the year bore, so an examination of the hotel records will show that more tourists stayed in city hotels last year than the year bore.

  Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

  A. The tourists who stayed in Midville hotels last year were aware that the hotel tax rate had been lowered.

  B. The average price of hotel accommodations in Midville was not significantly higher than in hotels in other cities either last year or the year bore.

  C. The average length of a tourist’s stay in Midville hotels was not longer last year than it had been the year bore.

  D. There were significantly more forts to publicize Midville as a tourist destination last year than there had been the year bore.

  E. On average, tourists in Midville did not spend significantly more on meals last year than they did on hotels accommodations.


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1.GMAT考试 4月10日更新GMAT逻辑机经(一)


3.GMAT考试 4月9日更新GMAT阅读机经(十三)

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