

GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 4月06日更新(八).

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  GMAT考试已于2012年4月2日更换题库,以下是2012年4月的GMAT作文AI部分机经更新,更新日期从12年4月2日开始,澳际留学小编会为您送上最新的机经的,希望大家多多关注本频道。在此澳际留学祝大家GMAT考试顺利! 想要获得更多咨询服务点击进入 >>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询!或联系QQ客服: ,也可以通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。

17. 1次





  “Because of recent advancements in business and technology, the overall quality of life in most societies has never been better than at the present time.”

  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


  V1 有人抱怨现在大家太依赖电脑了 但是 电脑确实一直在提升我们的生活质量

  V2 Many people depend too much on the computers. but, the computer did improve the life of us since it&aposve been invited.

  V3 Some people complain that we depend too much on computers, but, in fact, computers are improving our lives. 原句大概是这样。

  V4 有人说 people越来越depend on computers了but computers are continually improving our lives.


  1. 现在确实很多人很依赖电脑,尤其是一些社交网络或即时信息,成了一些人与外界沟通的最重要的方式之一了,遇到问题第一个就想到上网查

  2. 但是我们不能否定,电脑提升了生活质量。网络拉近了全世界的距离,包括知识文化的交流,以及旅行的准备等等

  3. 电脑编程的一些软件大大方便了我们的生活,而且为生活增添了很多花样,比如结婚时候拍照,P照片,留下最美的回忆,比如直接用软件做音乐等等

  18. 4次


  26. Issue 原文 society should reject technologies that risk harm to the natural enviroment.

  AI society should rejecttechnologies that risk harm to the natural environment.

  28. AI: People should not develop new technologies which cause a lot risk at nature environment.

  29. 另一篇好像是we should abandon(记不得是不是这个词,但是这个意思)new technologies that areharmful to theenvironment


  1. 自然是我们赖以生存的环境,必须要保护

  2. 技术很重要,能提高我们的生活水平

  3. 尽量减小技术对自然的破坏,并且研发能够改善自然环境的技术

  19. 3次


  3. 问government应不应该为了National security去access to citizens&apos checkout record和internet activities history

  ssue说的是为了保护国家安全,governments should access to their citizens&apos library records and national activity historys.那个作文范文里有的,之前恰巧练过。

  AI: In the inerest of natioanl security, governments should have the right to access their citizens&apos library checkout records and Internet activity.


  V1To the interest of national security, governments should have access to their citizens&apos library checkout records and Internet activities.

  V2是讲政府为了NATION SECURITY 得have access to library 借书记录,and Internet ..history.


  V4 To the interest of national security,governments should have access to their citizens&aposlibrary checkout records and Internet activities.

  V5 To the interest of the national security, governments should have the access to their citizens&apos library XXX and Internet view history.



  1 provide information

  specific time and space, the number of criminals, and characteristics of the suspects. enhance the ficiency and productivity

  2 deter crimes

  criminals will not rashly commit the crime at the risk of being recorded. :

  3 the privacy of the public

  4 the cost is paid by taxpayers

  以上就是2012年4月06日更新的GMAT作文机经AI部分,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT作文的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 4月06日更新(七)

2.GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 4月06日更新(十一)


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