

GMAT考试 4月10日更新GMAT逻辑机经(七).

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  GMAT考试题库已于2012年4月2日更新。以下是2012年4月的GMAT逻辑机经更新,更新日期从12年4月2日起,澳际留学小编将为您提供最新的GMAT逻辑机经,希望大家多多关注此频道!澳际留学祝大家GMAT考试顺利!想要获得更多咨询服务点击进入 >>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询!也可以通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。


  V1. 说有一个国家为了治理Recession把一个什么tax以check返还给群众,然后人民有好多钱但是由于实际商品量没有增加所以就国家后来就通胀了。现在国家还得采取方法和花钱去治理通胀。考虑到之前还花钱花力气发check真是费力不讨好。问的是assumption题,楼主选的assumption是作者以为不还check就不会产生通胀。不确定,迷惑选项有各种讨论了recession, inflation和治理费用的关系。

  By 好吃的草莓 (ID: 402035) 710 Q49 V38

  V2. 一个国家遭遇了经济萧条,作为应对政府把税收以check支票形式直接返还给人民。这样更多的钱被注入了经济体但实际生产交易的商品量并没有增加,因此国家出现了通货膨胀。一个显著的例子就是食品价格的飞涨。政府计划举办一个听证会,来探讨食品价格飞涨的原因。作者认为政府自己创造了一个问题又进而花气力去探究这个问题的原因,好NC哇。




  By pkunash (ID: 386722) 770分



  V1. Unemployment定义为在多长时间内连一份part time job都没有。然后某个地方有段时间unemployment下降了one million(好像是这个数,不重要),但是同样时间里,这个地方的part time job的position只增加了half a million,问为啥。

  By Gongzhe (ID: 672327)

  V2. 上来给出了失业的定义:成年人在一段时间内连一份临时工作都没有。某个地方1993到1996年的失业人口从3 million下降到了2 million,但同样时间的job position只增加了half a million。



  By pkunash (ID: 386722) 770分

  V3. 原JJ36,讲失业率的,说一个国家的失业率从3million 下降到2million,但是职位却只增加了哈half million,问原因?我选的是有很多老职工退了让新人顶上。

  By lisaalee (ID: 660814)



  这道题比较长。一个公司,说它不像别的大型连锁公司一样,它的每个分店的manager都有权利去决定purchase什么东西(具体什么忘记了,似乎不重要),因为每个分店都有自己的direct supplier。然后这个公司要准备expand,这时就有专家蹦出来说,如果这公司要expand的话,就要sell its stock,因为扩张会让这家公司丧失本来的advantage。然后支持(或者解释)这个专家的想法。

  By Gongzhe (ID: 672327)



  By Gongzhe (ID: 672327)


  GWD-8-Q3:In the late 1980s, the population of sea otters in the North Pacific began to decline. There are two plausible explanations for the decline: predation, possibly by killer whales, or disease. Of these two, disease is the more likely, since a concurrent sharp decline in populations of seals and sea lions is believed to have been caused by disease, and diseases that infect these creatures are likely to be able to infect sea otters also.

  Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the reasoning?

  A. Killer whales in the North Pacific usually prey on seals and sea lions but will, when this food source is scarce, seek out other prey.

  B. There is no indication that the sea otter population at any North Pacific location declined in the 1980s because of substantial numbers of sea otters migrating to other locations.

  C. Along the Pacific coast of North America in the 1980s,sea otters were absent from many locations where they had been relatively common in former times.

  D. Following the decline in the population of the sea otters, there was an increase in the population of sea urchins, which are sea otters&apos main food source.

  E. The North Pacific populations of seals and sea lions cover a wider geographic area than does the population of sea otters.

  感谢秋晨小仔 (ID: 685764)




  By ninawang31 (ID: 732349)


  Prep-2-Q12:Situation: For five years the Souper restaurant chain has maintained rapid sales growth in Danport, primarily by opening new restaurants that draw patrons away from other restaurants in their vicinity.

  Goal: Souper wishes to achieve continued rapid sales growth in Danport over the next two years.

  Proposal for consideration: Continue to open new restaurants in Danport during the next two years at the same rate as in the last two years.

  In light of the situation, which of the following, if true, most strongly argues that adopting the proposal would be an infective way of achieving the goal?

  (A) At times at which customers find Souper restaurants too crowded, they often go to other restaurants nearby.

  (B) The Souper chain has generally opened new restaurants in locations that are in the vicinity of a large number of other restaurants.

  (C) Souper restaurants generally offer a much smaller variety of foods than many of the other restaurants in their vicinity.

  (D) Virtually all potential sites for new Souper restaurants in Danport are located in the vicinity of existing Souper restaurants.

  (E) Souper restaurants have always offered meals that are somewhat less expensive than meals at restaurants that compete with Souper for patrons.


  以上就是12年4月10日更新的GMAT逻辑机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT逻辑的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

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