

GMAT考试 4月11日更新GMAT语法机经(十).

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79. BY 科曼尼琪 (740)

  果然考了很多平行结构还有破折号,,还好就一题with,我还选了。。 with the technology extending, the rates in the increase of ...... are,,,,,

  应该是做原因吧,,, 不一定对 语法是我的致命伤。。。 不过这次没觉得很难,,, 然后又觉得自己掉低分区了。。。

  80. BY sunnytAnk ( 490-----730)

  语法鸡精也很重要,主要看看下大家都提到的考点,考试时候就优先考虑这些知识点去赛选答案,主谓 平行 比较 三板斧下去基本差不多,然后记住有提到的固定搭配就好。

  81.BY 施家窝棚大苞米

  语法:算不简单吧 遇到了from to to的这个 分号也不少




  遇到很多it their they的代词选项,很多,7,8道?反正总在由于代词的问题

  82. BY rex44391


  ..beneath..(A and B),(C and D),(E and F), there lie (一個東西)


  我覺得A+B C+D E+F應該是對稱的概念,然後有些選項好像有run-on


  ..beneath..(A and B),(C and D), and (E and F), there lies (一個東西)


  83. BY 敏儿猫猫

  还有一个是the seas teem with an array of creatures , 划线部分some so bizzare that after years being discovered they 怎么样(大体意思就是说他们归不到任何一个科还是属的)after years being discovered 是LZ选的,虽然LZ也觉得这个选项太勉强,但其他的项更离谱。



  Recent findings lend strong support to the theory that a black hole lies at the center of the Milky Way and of many of the 100 billion other galaxies estimated to exist in the universe.

  A. that a black hole lies at the center of the Milky Way and of

  B. that a black hole lies at the Milky Way’scenter and

  C. that there is a black hole lying atthe milky Way’s center and

  D. of a black hole lying at the Milky Way’scenter and

  E. of a black hole that lies at the center ofthe Milky Way and of

  D & E out -Meaning changed

  C out - passive voice

  B can be elimiated cause the first part of the sentece that says &aposthat a blackhole lies at the Milky Way’s center&apos is perfect but the second half &apos Milky Wayand of many of the 100 billion other galaxies&apos tends to change the meaning.

  Lets simplify this –

  A - black hole lies at the center of X and of Y

  B - Black hole lies at the X&aposs center and Y

  A can be selected as a better bet.

  Recent findings lend strong support to thetheory that a black hole lies at the center of the Milky Way and (at the center )of many of the 100 billion othergalaxies estimated to exist in the universe.

  句子的意思是最近一些发现加强了这个理论:黑洞在milky way的中心,也在预测存在在宇宙中的其他100billion的星系中心

  84. BY iris潇 (750)

  语法:真心很难,我第一道题就有点蒙,完全没看懂,好像是the organization should not (be expected to ....rapid growth...)其他的选项不是be expected to就是have the expectations,感觉更不对了,具体的记不起来了…对不起大家……


  85. BY airphone (740)


  然后破折选了个最多的,因为里面有AS..AS和more than两个固定搭配,就那个最长的里面是全的,但是感觉有个or比较多余,但是相比之下还是选择这个。还有好几个都是ABCDE的对比不强烈的,就是每一个选项都是大变动,比较烦人,不好比较,但是一般3个选项通过结构和逻辑都比较好排除,剩下两个,楼主纯凭感觉选的。

  以上就是2012年4月11日更新的GMAT语法机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT语法的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 4月11日更新GMAT语法机经(十一)

2.GMAT考试 4月11日更新GMAT语法机经(九)

3.GMAT考试 4月22日更新GMAT逻辑机经(一)

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