

GMAT考试 5月7日更新GMAT阅读机经(十).

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  V1:有三段,不止一屏。第一段讲了某个人好像是R什么,给一个地段重新设计了交通规划,本来这个路口是交通灯之类的交通管制很多而且事故很多,但是R通过把他们置换成一个circle(可能不是这个词,但是大概意思就是那种圆盘,大家都知道的吧?),结果是交通顺畅了(举了卡车能迅速通过的例子)然后事故也少了。第二段说R的宗旨是“time什么什么”(刚还记得的,一瞬间忘了)。之后说他给另一个town规划的例子,是一条原本交通量很大的路。第三段说他是怎么规划这条路的,R说要让它更像village。然后关键是让驾驶员认为路ambiguous and what (ambiguous同义词,有一题这两个词高亮),使他们不知道路的哪里是自己的(不知道所以会更小心?可能是这个意思吧)

  By zhangxiao91z (v 29)


  P2:与其说是M对道路各类参数的仔细调查,还不如说是M的成功在于改变了人们对time ***的改观,举例提出某town Q.


  By fiona128876

  V3:一篇交通规划的那个,第一段是说环岛 roundabout的,随着环岛的增加,引起了一些变化,iru公交车能够快速通过, cylist use more signaling etc. 这里有一个细节题,问的是有了那个环岛后,为什么事故还是增多了。有一个问题是问文章第三段还是第四段中出现的ambuigity和另外一个词的作用是什么,选项有说对比他之前那个小镇的设计,还有说sum up新设计的特征什么的。

  by amanilulu




  Q3:高亮fuzzy and ambiguous,提问作用(定位P3)


  1.1.5 改善交通理论

  V1 by 老张1119




  第三段是作者观点说他虽然改善了交通但是这同时he creates the confusion and ambigious,因为这样一来这个地区路好像就变得不像大城市里的路了变窄了还是啥的然后就变得很乡土好像==


  V2 by cc1990 740


  V3 by tonality 740

  M这个人去到德国一个什么城市,在原来十字路口的地方改建,traffic light好像没有完全去掉,用discreet形容的,留下了一些法规规定不能去掉的指示吧。(这里有和他在下一个城市的比较,另个城市好像把指示灯都去掉了吧,这个没有完全去掉)后来,那个人又去了德国的O这个地方。说关键在于改变什么的Time的观念。这里有题的。

  V4 by lesezhen 680

  一篇是讲一个M因为他的2001project出名了,为什么呢?因为他在一个D城市做了一个治理交通的措施,把信号灯之类的都拿掉了,结果效果很好,在交通增长的情况下,这里的交通却很好,bus可以很容易通过(有考点),事故也少。到这里分别是第一段和第二段。第三段就说了他又在另外一个城市做了project,也柏油路弄成石块路之类的,总之就是相比那些明确的交通信号信息,他的改造让这个城市变得village like,有了confusion和ambuguity(有考点,问提到这两个是要干嘛)。然后M就说,要改变交通,就要改变交通的context,改变大家的concept of time(这里面的逻辑关系大家要再仔细读哈,不过不重要)。大概如此了

  V5 by jsmart


  v6 by sunicity

  寂静上的那篇关于交通的,有一个阅读参考材料,基本就是那篇。后面问了D城市实施之后怎么样了,应该是公交车通过更快了。还有一个是作者说confusion and ambigous的作用,我选的是概括了M这个人的主要思想。

  V7 by 小遥遥




  V8 by cecihanjiabei 730

  一个人提出改变交通状况的两种方法,一个是不利用traffic lights一类的,在中间建造一个圆的区域,有喷泉什么的;另一个是改造成country-like的,机经中写的很正确!问题是两者有什么相似,第一种方法有什么结果。

  V9 by 千堂月莎 710

  那个神奇的设计师改造十字路口的文,问了第三段的作用是什么,在give a summary of BLABLA 和解释one of change的意图之间犹豫了下,选了后者。

  还问了两城市的案例有什么相似,选项有:A和B都关于移除,一个是交通灯一个是其他信号标志吧,C是说都以提高行车速度为目标,E是都造成了行人和司机们彼此 more consideration 的效果

  V10 by lynnfordream

  考的那个交通改造的问题啊。记得一个细节就是说在D的地方减少了一半的事故率,同时交通量增加了1/3,然后有道题就是问D这个地方带来什么影响的。其中一个是事故发生数目减少了,貌似还要算下1/2*4/3=2/3所以还是应该减少了。楼主选成了什么drivers产生ambiguous的感觉,后面点了next以后一回想觉得应该选那个数目减少了a !

  V11 by sarahstanny



  出题点:M是要对交通口情况调查的,traffic flow /volume的数据知晓,不是乱规划。

  公交车开的更快了。confusion and ambigious的目的:选指出M的总风格

  V12 by jxjscxd 680





  A说remove the traffic lights, B说都不装traffic signal ,CD貌似都在说以提高车速为目的,E的意思是说造成了两个地方的行人和车辆都具有了主观能动性,不仅仅是被动接受。我在B和E之间徘徊了很久,最后选了B,也不知道对不对。

  V13 by sweettrainbow 750



  A. make the moving traffic quicker(貌似就是JJ中的Bus faster)

  B. reduce the number or the severity(严重性是这样拼的吧)of the accidents

  我在这两个中纠结了很久,最终选了B,因为其实原文中的两个破折号当中只说了buses spent less time waiting to get through(见JJ原文),等的时间少了,但没有说move faster吧,但是确实说道accident减少了,or后面的严重性可不可以忽略啊(任然疑问中)

  2.那道两个城市中的共同点:这个我觉得是JJ误导的地方,或许是我自己理解有问题。其实两个地方的措施是不一样的。第一个城市是在一个中心建立roundabout island,第二个是说把道路建的更加village like。只有一点是相同的,就是这个人设计的理念。


  V14 by stoneless521

  一片是之前就有总结的,关于改善交通的,题目就记得一道,是两个城市的改造有什么共同之处或者目的:A貌似是都移除了交通灯 B貌似是移除了交通标志之类的C是提高车速E是让人有了能动性。和寂静上的一致

  V15 20allen 700


  还有就是问D那地儿有啥改善原文很明确有bus 通过的快了没碰见选项里有accident的所以应该不必纠结

  问infer 答那人之前认真地研究了traffic flow 什么的

  V16 by dreamwst 740





  V17 by aaintw 740

  有三段,是从原文好几段中整合的。第一段说在Drachten的改进,第二段说在 Oudehaske的改进,第三段是在 Oudehaske的效果。

  考题1两处改进的共同点,和寂静上的选项一致,但是我因为不记得狗主答案,自己选了E 都是人具有cooperative,因为在我看到的文章中好像D地中有people更cooperative的,(可是回来看寂静找不到了><)然后O地处出现了driver accommodating,就选了E。我确定自己看到的文章中没有“He used context to changebehavior.”这最后一句……关于是否两处都取消了红绿灯或是信号,我是觉得没有。





  Freedom for traffic

  An unassuming Dutch traffic engineer showed that streets without signs can be safer than roads cluttered with arrows, painted lines, and lights.

  And Monderman certainly changed the landscape in the provincial city of Drachten, with the project that, in 2001, made his name. At the town center, in a crowded four-way intersection called the Laweiplein, Monderman removed not only the traffic lights but virtually every other traffic control. Instead of a space cluttered with poles, lights, “traffic islands,” and restrictive arrows,Monderman installed a radical kind of roundabout (a “squareabout,” in his words, because it really seemed more a town square than a traditional roundabout), marked only by a r aised circle of grass in the middle, several fountains, and some very discreet indicators of the direction of traffic, which were required by law.

  这一段说的是M自己闭上眼睛,倒走到他设计的路中间,结果并没有像在普通道路上一样——所有的车刹车再启动,而是车辆依然有序行驶。As I watched the intricate social ballet that occurred as cars and bikes slowed to enter the circle (pedestrians were meant to cross at crosswalks placed a bit bore the intersection), Monderman performed a favorite trick. He walked, backward and with eyes closed, into the Laweiplein. The traffic made its way around him. No one honked, he wasn’t struck. Instead of a binary, mechanistic process—stop, go—the movement of traffic and pedestrians in the circle felt human and organic.

  实验一年后的结果:拥挤减少、事故减少A year after the change, the results of this “extreme makeover” were striking:Not only had congestion decreased in the intersection—buses spent less time waiting to get through, for example—but there were half as many accidents, even though total car traffic was up by a third.(对应题目:1问公交车怎么样的2改革给D这个地方带来了什么影响)Students from a local engineering college who studied the intersection reported that both drivers and, unusually, cyclists were using signals—of the electronic or hand variety—more often. They also found, in surveys, that residents, despite the measurable increase in safety, perceived the place to be more dangerous. This was music to Monderman’s ears. If they had not felt less secure, he said, he “would have changed it immediately.”

  Monderman believed that the best way to change people’s behavior was to change the context. (出题点:改变了人的观念)This simple insight was one of the foundations of his traffic revolution,which took root a decade bore he remade Drachten.:(他说在实施这个理论前必须做好多准备工作学习了N多东西(有题) In the mid-1980s,Monderman, then a regional safety inspector for Friesland, was dispatched to the small village of Oudehaske to check the speed of car traffic through the town’s center (two children had been fatally struck). Previously, Monderman, like any good Dutch traffic engineer, would have deployed, if not an actual traffic light, the tools of what is known as “traffic calming”: speed bumps, warning signs, bollards, or any number of highly visible interventions.(交代了背景:作为交通安全官员,M被发配到一个小村里去检测城镇中心的车速。按常理,控制车速的手段不外乎装红绿灯、减速带等)

  但是M觉得在这个town,既没有必要也太贵。But those solutions were falling out of favor with his superiors, because they were either infective or too expensive. At a loss, Monderman suggested to the villagers, who as it happens had hired a consultant to help improve the town’s aesthetics, that Oudehaske simply be made to seem more “villagelike.” The interventions were subtle. (正评价,嘿嘿)Signs were removed, curbs torn out, and the asphalt replaced with red paving brick, with two gray “gutters” on either side that were slightly curved but usable by cars. As Monderman noted, the road looked only five meters wide, “but had all the possibilities of six.”

  The results were striking. Without bumps or flashing warning signs, drivers slowed,(出题:M在两地措施的共同之处) so much so that Monderman’s radar gun couldn’t even register their speeds. 通过这种改进(把town改造的更villagelike,车速都自然降低了,雷达都检测不到……好夸张啊-。-)Rather than clarity and segregation, he had created confusion and ambiguity.(出题,这两个的目的:M的总目的)注意这段:因为他的方法制造了一种错觉,司机8知道哪条是他该走的路,所以开车不会很莽撞Unsure of what space belonged to them, drivers became more accommodating.(两处措施的相同点) Rather than give drivers a simple behavioral mandate—say, a speed limit sign or a speed bump—he had, through the new road design, subtly suggested the proper course of action. And he did something else.He used context to change behavior.用观念改变行为(两地措施相同点) He had made the main road look like a narrow lane in a village, not simply a traffic-way through some anonymous town.



  Shared spaceis anurban designconcept aimed at integrated use of public spaces.

  Shared space removes the traditional segregation of motor vehicles, pedestrians and other road users. Conventional road priority management systems and devices such askerbs, lines, signs and signals are replaced with an integrated, people-oriented understanding of public space, such that walking, cycling, shopping and driving cars become integrated activities.


  The term &aposshared space&apos was used by Tim Pharoah to describe informal street layouts with no traffic demarcation (see for example "Traffic Calming Guidelines" published by Devon County Council, 1991). The shared space concept has been associated strongly with the work ofHans Monderman, based on the observation that individuals&apos behaviour intraffic is more positively affected by the built environment of the public space than it is by conventional traffic control devices and regulations.

  The goal of shared space is an improvement in road safety, encouraging negotiation of shared areas at appropriate speeds and with due consideration for the other users, using simple rules like giving way to the right. The term shared space should probably not be too closely dined, since there is wide scope for varying the design concept.

  Safety, congestion, economic vitality and community severance can be fectively tackled in streets and other public spaces if they are designed and managed to allow traffic to be fully integrated with other human activity, not separated from it. A major characteristic of a street designed to this philosophy is the absence of traditional road markings, signs, traffic signals and the distinction between "road" and "pavement". User behaviour becomes influenced and controlled by natural human interactions rather than by artificial regulation.

  Monderman is quoted as saying: "We&aposre losing our capacity for socially responsible behaviour, ...The greater the number of prescriptions, the more people&aposs sense of personal responsibility dwindles." Another source attributes the following to Monderman: "When you don&apost exactly know who has right of way, you tend to seek eye contact with other road users... You automatically reduce your speed, you have contact with other people and you take greater care."



1.GMAT考试 5月7日更新GMAT阅读机经(十一)

2.GMAT考试 5月8日更新GMAT数学机经(四)


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