

GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 5月8日更新(九).

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  V1(BY: scq1224 ): 一个本来经营很好的local书店,其中的食谱啥的很畅销,而且里面还有一个meat?(忘记)和cheese bar。但是因为large chain 书店 和网络书店都是deep discount the bestsellers, 从而有更大的客户群和更高的利润。所以这个书店要沿用这样的战略,要将现在的畅销书打折

  V2(BY: 洛狐) locally owned bookstore 应采取 bookstore chain 和 internet bookstore 的 discount 策略, 然后削减 in-house cooking demonstration的盈利项目来弥补discount


  V1. 说的是一个当地的书店,提供一些什么COOKING之类的服务,取得了成功。 过去几年来利润都一直稳定着。所以这个书店提出来要学习INTERNET BOOKSTORE 或者 chain bookstores 那样零利润吸引顾客。这个LOCAL 书店应该要discount,同时需要取消掉原来的cooking来弥补这个discount造成的损失

  V2. jj上有,是那个本地书店学习大书店和网络书店策略的那个

  V3. 是说一个什么卖书的以前卖食谱,后来又搞了个什么wine and cheese bar,说有稳定的profit,然后就想引进畅销书和网上售书什么什么的,后面没很读懂,意思是说可以赚更多钱吧;

  V4. 说的是一个专卖cookbook的书店近几年的profit都很稳定,所以想continue grow.于是,想借助Internet bookseller的strategy去发展。要deeply discount best-sell books,还要减少什么的discount(忘了,确切的说是我不认识那个词……汗)还要取消免费的什么东西。

  V5. 一个manager 有个cooking book公司在食谱书店通过找当地名厨在现场做demonstration 和在附近的公司休息室也不食堂的发放免费cheese什么的提高了profit。所以他们认为雇佣那些特有经验的优秀销售在卖其他书的书店和网络营销也将会提高收益。


  1. 别人的成功方法不一定适用于自己

  2. 取消cooking不一定能弥补得了discount的损失

  3. 还有别的方法吸引顾客



  V1(BY: fiona128876): 在家工作easily distracted, and have no set schedule

  For those who live in a socialy and professionally isolated home, self-employed people have a limited opportunities for career advancement.

  V2(BY: LeslieYYQ):因为在家里办公更容易收到打扰,并且更容易偷懒,所以从长远来看在office里办公比在家里赚更多的钱

  V3(BY:xeniaxin)说辞掉办公室工作而回家成为home worker是financially unwise的,因为家里有电话啊很吵闹的邻居啊还有家务事等等阻碍工作完成的事情。还有人在家里会倾向于懒惰啊推迟完成工作等等。


  V1. 考的是对于那些在家工作的人的陈述。说他们容易受到外界的影响,在没有计划的情况下容易懈怠不工作,因为一直在家里还很难得到职业发展和晋升的机会等等。。。

  V2. 题目中有单词没读懂,不过不影响整体意思,主要就是在批评在家工作的坏处,先说在家工作会遇到很多让你分心的事,比如手机响,吵闹的邻居还有个什么忘了,然后又说在家工作会让你没有一个schedule并且avoid working,最后说在家工作让人们socially and professionally isolated 以至于不能升职神马的

  V3. 说homeworker的坏处,第一点是什么家庭周围的吵杂声会影响到工作,第二点:人们可能会本能的Avoiding working,第三点:随着Socially and economically isolated ,homeworker will be limitted.

  V4. 是那个homeworker挣得比office worker 少 给了三条理由 第一是会受到很多因素影响工作 如电话 noisy neighbors 第二是人们本身会aviod working 第三是isolated 机会limited

  Generally speaking, it is financially unwise for people quit stable office job and start working from home. It is there are a lot of distractions when people working from home. People working from home tend to procrastinate because there is no discipline. Also, working from home make people isolated. Therore, it is financially more advantageous for people working in the office.It is unwise to quit a stable office job in order to be self-employed and work at home. 给出的理由是,在家办公容易受neighbor影响,没效率,经常avoid working等等。然后又说在家办公isolated with the work place, 对career advancement不好。所以不应该quit stable office job and become self-employed.


  1 在家工作的人会面对更多的abstraction,比如 邻居 电话 家务等等。 2在家工作的人更没有时间计划,更倾向与avoid work 3与社会和人群隔离,会对人的career advance有限制。整个argument都没有举例和调查。


  1 false casual relationship: no correlation

  2 gratuitous assumption no evidence

  3 Either or choice



  V1(BY: 鹤子hezi ): 讲有人说8年前招进来的新员工generate profit margin 可以justify 他们的收入。但两年前招进来的新员工就不可以了,推断这批人缺乏8年前那些人的level of skill,说hr部门没努力。公司利润下滑与此有关。


  The following appeared in a memorandum from the CEO of a consumer electronics manufacturing firm to the head of the company&aposs human resources department, who is responsible for hiring new employees:

  “Eight years ago, our firm’s profits were increasing with each new employee we added. We discovered that each employee had the skills and motivation to generate more revenue for the firm than his or her salary cost us. However, for the past two years, our profit margin has been falling, even though we have continued to add employees. Thus, our newer employees are not generating enough revenue to justify their salaries. We must not be hiring new employees with the same level of skills and motivation as those we used to attract. Clearly, then, failures in the human resources department account for our falling profits.”







1.GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 5月8日更新(十)

2.GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 5月7日更新(六)

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