

GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 5月7日更新(十三).

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  V1(BY: cherie_w) 学校主要功能是teach academic skills not to teach and social skills.


  Schools should be responsible only for teaching academic skills and not for teaching ethical and social values.



  1. 虽然学校的主要职能应该是将知识和技能传递给学生,但道德价值和社会价值的教导同样也是学校的一个义务.因为对每一个学生个体而言,其正确的世界观人生观的养成甚至是比知识和技能更重要的.试想一个道德不健全或是和社会价值标准相背离的孩子就算他有再优秀的学术能力我们又怎么能指望他们会拥有成功的人生呢?而学校作为学生生活的很大一个组成部分占据了学生非睡眠时间一半甚至更多的时间,它对正确道德社会价值的养成是责无旁贷的.

  2. 有些人可能会反驳说,每个孩子都是独立的个体.有他的特殊性,道德和社会价值的教导应该留给家长来完成.这样的说法貌似有一定的道理.但我们必须要承认的是,每个家长的能力甚至是道德水平也是良莠不齐的,我们怎么可以指望他们一定可以给孩子正确的引导.事实上我们正需要学校来充当这个引导的角色.因为我们无法控制家长的水平,却可以相对容易的确定教师的水平.

  3. 当然我上面所论述的价值观只是基本的和应该被社会的每个个体所普遍认同的.我并不赞成学校灌输给学生更为具体的价值观.因为这显然是有悖于个体发展的多样性的.


  The speaker asserts that schools should teach only academic skills, and not ethical or social values. I agree with the speaker insofar as instruction on certain moral issues is best lt to parents and churches. However, in my view it is in the best interests of a democratic society for schools to teach at least the values necessary to preserve freedom and a democratic way of life, and perhaps even additional values that enrich and nurture a society and its members.

  We all have in interest in preserving our freedom and democratic way of life. At the very least (prep. 最低限度), then, schools should provide instruction in the ethical and social values required for our democracy to survive—particularly the values of respect and tolerance. Respect for individual persons is a basic ethical value that requires us to acknowledge the fundamental equality of all people, a tenet of a democratic society. Tolerance of differences among individuals and their viewpoints is required to actualize many of our basic constitutional rights—including life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and freedom of speech and religion.

  While respect and tolerance are the minimal values that schools should teach, the list should ideally go further—to include caring, compassion, and willingness to help one another. A democracy might survive without these values, but it would not thrive. Respect and tolerance without compassion, it seems to me, breed a cool aloofness that undermines our humanity, and leaves those in the worst position to suffer more and suffer alone—an unhealthy state for any society.

  Admittedly, schools should avoid advocating particular viewpoints on controversial moral issues such as abortion or capital punishment. Instruction on issues with clear spiritual or religious implications is best lt to parents and churches. Even so, schools should teach students how to approach these kinds of issues—by helping students to recognize their complexity and to clarify competing points of view. In doing so, schools can help breed citizens who approach controversy in the rational and responsible ways characteristic of a healthy democracy.

  In sum, schools should by all means rrain from indoctrinating our young people with particular viewpoint on controversial questions of morality. However, it is in a democratic society’s interest for schools to inculcate the democratic values of respect and tolerance, and perhaps even additional values that humanize and enrich a society.


1.GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 5月7日更新(十四)


3.GMAT考试 5月7日更新GMAT阅读机经(三)

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