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V1(BY: cherie_w ): 建议大家买房子,说是买房子好时机。因为过去5年房子都涨价了。而股票降价了。而且买房子能享受房子,不像股票,没对生活做什么贡献。
V2(BY: Dflying) 一个研究报告说一个地方房价在过去5年升值了很多,远远超出了股票升值的价值,如果你投资房子 就能在实用房子的同时享受它的升值,所以建议政府去投资。
Now is the perfect time to buy a house in our city. Over the past five years, average home prices in our region have nearly doubled. But average stock prices in the national stock market have actually declined over the same period. So homeowners have seen an increase in value for their housing investment during the last five years that far exceeds what they could have made by investing in the stock market. Our city’s residents can surely achieve a similar profit over the next five years. Furthermore, if residents invest in a home, they can enjoy the use of the home while its value increase, whereas money invested in stocks would not contribute to their quality of life in the same way that owning a home would. Therore, all the residents of our city should invest their money in a home.
l 数据有效性:只是5年的时间,从长远来看,不一定谁涨得厉害。
l 差异概念:房子的增值和股票增值的概念不同。房子增值你不能变现,因为变现了,你还是需要再买(高价)。而股票可以立即变现。即VALUE和PROFIT不是一个概念。
l 错误类比:股票的投资可以不定额的投资(可小可大),可是房子的投资需要很大一笔。并不是每个人都适合投资房产。
l 错误假设:文中假设大家都不会搬迁,都会一直住在这个城市。而一旦如果这个城市流动性很大,则投资房产为提高生活质量显然不成立。
EITHER OR: 即使资金足够的情况下,也不一定就不能投股票而应投房产。因从投资的角度来看,应该分散风险(DIVERSIFY)。所以大可又投股票又投房产
我看了那篇买房子还是买股票的那篇没有例文,我很快写了一篇, 大家参考下多给个意见。
While the stock price is declining, the house price has been soaring over the last 5 years. According to the author, it is the high time we buy the house rather than invest in the stock market. To further substantiate his advice, the author also points out that a house can help generate a life of higher quality than a stock does. Unfortunately, the reasoning behind the suggestion suffers from several critical problems.
In the first place, the argument is based on a unfounded assumption that owning a stock can not contribute to a high-level life quality as owning a home can. Even if, as the author says, a home can in some way contribute to a happier and better life for someone, there are possibilities that investing money in the stock market can be a better lifestyle for others. Perhaps, the ups-and-down experience or the pay-first experiences are the understanding of better life for those people. Not all men love peacul and even bland life. Without considering the general conception of better life, the author can hardly convince us of the suggestion based on the problematic assumption.
Furthermore, the argument is ill-founded due to the lack of enough samples to support his opinion. The author suggests the house purchase simply because the house prices during the last 5 years have nearly doubled whereas the stock prices have fallen. The only evidence used is the statistic from the past five years, a statistic not necessarily acting as a good indicator of the general trend. It might be the case that a policy which supported the property market was introduced five years ago, but it will not be fect from the end of this year. If it were the case, the evidence cited by the author is an atypical and exceptional one. Unless providing enough information to prove that the statistic from the past 5 years is representative of the following several years, the suggestion is unwarranted and fallacious.
To better back up the suggestion, the author should clearly point out the general understanding of high-quality life, and try to indicate that the price trend for both property and stock market would continue.
V1(BY: bradenny): One company is doing business in mining technology, but recently the profit drops. So there is someone suggesting for company to look at renewable enery, such as solar, wind, etc, which is exciting and new. They believe it will bring the company profits and keep the stock prices.
V1一个Blastom公司,以前是mining technology,由于mining technology的市场变小,为保证股价和利润,B公司有新战略:让以前研究mining的科学家研究renewable energy,一些公司已经在新能源领域做得很成功啦,所以B公司转向新能源领域能保证股价和利润
V2好像是“能源产品的价格和股票走低,使得一些公司不能盈利,include B company.然而有一些2company非常好。B company决定一个策略:将自己公司的researcher去转向新能源,比如风能,太阳能。这样就可以一直保持盈利
V3说专攻mining 技术的一个M公司开始把他们家的专家staff转向研究新能源例如天然气之类的。因为绝大多数的新能源公司在过去几年都很成功。所以这个M公司觉着他们也能保证盈利
V4 Due to woldwide derease in demand for mining technology, 某公司profit and stock prices went down. 但是有一些prominent companies in renewable technologies发展的很好。因此该公司应该把research的力量全部投入到renewable technologies去,这样就能stay safe from any future decline.
V5去年矿产业效益不好,利润下降,一个技术公司为了 扭转局面,放弃研究矿产技术开发转而投资研究新能源开发 比如太阳能 风能还有生物能源,取得了良好的效益。 根据这件事写个评价之类的东西,让你讨论在什么情况下,是weaken这个结论的。
1. all things are equal: 新能源在过去成功不代表将来也成功
1.GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 5月8日更新(十三)
2.GMAT考试作文机经AI部分 5月7日更新(九)
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲