

GMAT考试 5月10日更新GMAT语法机经(五).

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GMAT考试已于2012年5月4日更换题库,以下是2012年5月的GMAT语法机经更新,更新日期从2012年5月4日起,澳际留学小编将为您提供最新的GMAT语法机经。澳际留学在此祝大家GMAT考试顺利! 更多相关问题可咨询澳际留学在线专家,如果有任何意见和建议,也请联系我们。  


  The heavy rain is bittersweet for farmers in that while it lead to high yield quantities of corp, it also bring .....(什么disadvantage吧,忘了)

  上头是我选的正确选项,不一定对啊。开始我觉得for后应该直接跟什么yield of corp啊,因为heavy rain应该直接作用于corp吧,后来自己分析觉得,bittersweet又苦又甜,这个词应该统领advantage and disadvantage,能够同时说明这两方面吧,然后看所有的选项,貌似只有这个表达了这样的语意,同时用while很好的表达了正反两面之间的逻辑转折,于是选了这个,不知想的对不对啊。

  36 720

  有一道题是3个否定并列的,具体意思不记得了,但是考到的话一眼就能看到那三个很平行的否定。还有一道题楼主觉得要凭语义来排除。是说一个人可以file a complaint or do another thing to meet a police or to meet ...第一的OR是写抱怨信和干另外一件事,第二个OR是干另外一件事可以去meet A ormeet B,这道题楼主比较确定

  还有最后一道题一个研究suggest天体(复数)什么的,后面是划线部分,楼主选的是A,of which 另外天体(复数),WERE。。。。这道题楼主不太确定,有个E选项主句用的是ARE但是楼主看到后面有than previous 什么的,就凭感觉选了were,点了NEXT,听天由命吧。。

  37 大牛牛 大家要感谢他

  JJ4 like..., who....




  JJ12 员工的salary和gender那道

  句子主要结构是xxx is asking for information 每个员工的工资和年龄以及xxx of收入最高的员工

  划线部分已经注明 为了避免误导 我用了中文

  主要错误选项有 every employee 与their 搭配;

  记得E选项类似于 gender of every employee, current salaries, and xxx of 说如最高的员工

  最后排除剩E选项和我选的那个 个人认为E选项中current salaries和每个员工之间割裂了联系 所以应该使用平行结构将gender和salaries联系起来

  JJ13 的4 include题 记不清具体了 大家看看其他狗主的描述

  JJ 26 animal extinct题

  Widely known to be extinct between year to year, the animal is discovery in some area in 1983 bring home that suprised the scientists about the nature.


  有两个选项吧Widely known to be extinct between year to year,用破折号隔开了

  其中隔开的一个是位于animal后 另一个不是所以就不太好

  有几个选项吧in 1983提到句首了 我考虑了下觉得差别不是很大

  还有一个以discovery 开头的 记得有些修饰问题 我选的是两个破折号中的一个

  JJ34 “某个人原本是phychiarist(类似这种词),后来变成neuroscientist”这道题我研究了一阵

  原题应该是A pxxx bore he was a neurocientist, xxx came into this dicipline because n领域带来了不同的东西

  B选项是As a pxxxx bore becoming a neuroscientist,

  C和D中有一个选项讲划线部分改为句子导致了run-on sentence 另一个容易排除

  E选项说Coming into n领域 from p领域,

  我认为ABE语法上都是可以的 但从句意来我选了E

  补充: Nobel Prize 题

  主要错误选项:句首的分词逻辑主语不对——Nobel Prize是主语,所以句首的动作包括修饰语都不能是人


  xxx properties,which cause .....

  有两个有which的选项 一个用了causes所以排除

  剩下的用了分词 分词结构不好 因为会有伴随状语嫌疑



  楼主当时有个疑问 一群人享有的名誉可以是单数的吗

  首先 因为是明确的主语比较 即as后只有xx这个人(这部分没有划线)因此这个人肯定只能享有a reputation

  其次 如果只留下reputations的选项 剩下的也不好 所以楼主选了as xxx a reputation as 这个选项



  among between题


  A选项是between employees that + beli的同位语从句




  among among题

  xxx+v.+, among xxx, AAA or BBB among yyy

  有好几个选项把among提到句首了 这样句意发生改变了


  某物migarate in daytimes, when they need xxx or thermal generated when the Sun 照earth


  有一个选项把generated...改成了非限定修饰 句意变化

  38 有一个few of... studies. 区分点在单复数,there seems/seem

  39 考了一体逗号和分号


  and、together和as well as


  40 750

  考的是more...than 固定搭配..划线的部分只有两三个词 A是 as compared with 好像D是than 直接选than

  看到这题我就晕了,我辛辛苦苦复习两个月难道是来考more than搭配的吗



  如 SOMEBODY DO A;B; AND C. 这个and是确实存在的



  TTGWD30-41 Q41:

  Elk now live almost solely in the Rocky Mountains, which would make it seem that elk are mountain dwellers, while they once ranged over virtually all of the continental United States

  except for a small strip in the extreme Southwest.

  A.Elk now live almost solely in the Rocky Mountains, which would make it seem that elk are mountain dwellers, while

  B.The fact that elk now live almost solely in the Rocky Mountains would make it seem that they are mountain dwellers, but

  C.It would seem that elk would be mountain dwellers because of their living now solely almost in the Rocky Mountains, but still

  D.Now living almost solely in the Rocky Mountains, it would seem that elk were mountain dwellers, although

  E.It seems that elk would be mountain dwellers from the fact that they now live solely almost in the Rocky Mountains, since

  选B it是形式主语指代的是that后边的部分

  A which不能指句子

  C 两个would 还有because of还有 one‘s doing 都是不好的

  D living的主语不能是it

  E from的用法没见过这样的,since的逻辑意思也不对

  感谢 蓝若痕同学

  26. Tropical bats play important roles in the rain forest ecosystem, aiding in the dispersal of cashew, date, and fig seeds; pollinating banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; and indirectly help produce tequila by pollinating agave plants.

  (A) pollinating banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; and indirectly help produce

  (B) pollinating banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; and indirectly helping to produce

  (C) pollinating banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; and they indirectly help to produce

  (D) they pollinate banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; and indirectly help producing

  (E) they pollinate banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; indirectly helping the producing of


1.GMAT考试 5月10日更新GMAT语法机经(六)

2.GMAT机经汇总 5月8日更新GMAT作文AA部分机经


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