

GMAT考试 5月10日更新GMAT语法机经(十二).

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  GMAT考试已于2012年5月4日更换题库,以下是2012年5月的GMAT语法机经更新,更新日期从2012年5月4日起,澳际留学小编将为您提供最新的GMAT语法机经。澳际留学在此祝大家GMAT考试顺利! 更多相关问题可咨询澳际留学在线专家,如果有任何意见和建议,也请联系我们。 


  考了天气预报那题,就是不要选XXXXXX blizzard, which 什么的。因为which后面的那个动作时天气预报员发出的。

  2、 考了Reduced那题,也是我语文的最后一题…..

  3、 Physicaltherapist理疗师变神经学家那一题,秒选E。是我语文第一题印象好深刻!

  4、 Demand for那题,选A。挺明显

  5、 岛国(Corfu)XXXXX, until1817, a period of turmoil and was cede by,好像是这样。反正cede 是割让的意思某一定要用被动。选项有主动的杀掉。

  6、 还有一题like A(人), who……., B(人)XXXXX


   语法碰到了 YYY led an increased in droughts, floods, and xxx, (reduced agricultural production), and other problems. 我选reducing那个选项

  其他的就想不起来了 对了 还有一个 说家庭传统习惯 进屋拖鞋那题 我选because it 开头的那个

  语法考到了一个全划线的题 开始吓我一跳 但是后来看还好 原句大概是 v-ing balabala......., 一个公司bala......., v-ing....... 这个结构我选的 前面v ing 那个不动 把后面的 放到句子里面 形成一个定语从句。 意思大概是说一个公司矫正一个什么数据之类的忘了

  74 730



  还有一题考了involvement in 和involvement with

  75 730


  26.Tropical bats play important roles in the rain forest ecosystem, aiding in thedispersal of cashew, date, and fig seeds; pollinating banana, breadfruit, andmango trees; and indirectly help produce tequila by pollinating agave plants.

  (A)pollinating banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; and indirectly help produce

  (B) pollinating banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; and indirectlyhelping to produce ***

  (C)pollinating banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; and they indirectly help toproduce

  (D) theypollinate banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; and indirectly help producing

  (E) theypollinate banana, breadfruit, and mango trees; indirectly helping the producingof


  Elk nowlive almost solely in the Rocky Mountains, which would make it seem that elkare mountain dwellers, while they once ranged over virtually all of thecontinental United States

  exceptfor a small strip in the extreme Southwest.

  A.Elk nowlive almost solely in the Rocky Mountains, which would make it seem that elkare mountain dwellers, while

  B.The fact that elk now live almost solely in the Rocky Mountainswould make it seem that they are mountain dwellers, but***********

  C.Itwould seem that elk would be mountain dwellers because of their living nowsolely almost in the Rocky Mountains, but still

  D.Nowliving almost solely in the Rocky Mountains, it would seem that elk weremountain dwellers, although

  E.Itseems that elk would be mountain dwellers from the fact that they now livesolely almost in the Rocky Mountains, since


  Not onlydid the systematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland(especially in the Northeast) and gave consumers relatively inexpensive housesand furniture, but it also caused erosion and very quickly dorested wholeregions.

  A. Not only did the systematic clearing offorests in the United States create farmland (especially in the Northeast) andgave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it also

  B. Not only did the systematic clearing offorests in the United States create farmland (especially in the Northeast),which gave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but also

  C. The systematic clearing of forests in theUnited States, creating farmland (especially in the Northeast) and givingconsumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but also

  D. The systematic clearingof forests in the United States created farmland (especially in the Northeast)and gave consumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it also*****************

  E. The systematic clearing of forests in theUnited States not only created farmland (especially in the Northeast), givingconsumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but it


  Aconsortium of historically Black colleges in the United States capitalizing onsuch schools traditionally rich relationships with African nations, integratesAfrican concerns into an international business study 这题考的时候capitalizing前面是有逗号的,这样就更清楚了

  A. capitalizing on such school’ traditionally rich relationshipswith African nations

  B. whilecapitalizing on the traditionally rich relationships of such schools andAfrican nations

  C.through capitalizing on such schools’ and African nations’ traditionally richrelationships

  D. whichcapitalize on the traditionally rich relationships of such schools and Africannations

  E. incapitalizing on such schools’ and African nations’ traditionally richrelationship

  May 31th


  映像深的就一个 sicientists will make A(是一个东西啦 忘了怎么拼),but they will make them...怎样怎样的。。大家别害怕说代词在文中指代不一致了 如果they同时指代sicientists的话 就必须写成sicientists will make themselves了。。 所以they 跟them就是指代不一样的东西。。~ 这个我比较确定~

  77 770

  11有个岩洞里的art,XXXXXX。都是关于art 如何被M开头的一个形容词修饰,注意这里的art应该看复数就好说通 。

  我选:The most memory works of art include the mural painting……

  13. 一种新发现的物种, has what appear ordinary sucker,but sucker lost the ability

  我选:物种名,has what at first glance appear to be ordinary suckers, but the sucker lost….

  14. 好像是个小区,住户可以file complait or file out police report and then meet layer, get assist or meet 另外一个什么人

  我选: sb file complaint, or file out policy report and then meet lawyer to help do sth or meet…

  15 破折号的。题干忘了,选项记得,就是原句。not to mention for开头的,因为这个满足平行,2个for 的平行。有个plus开头的迷惑项,但是细看破折号内的内容不平行,与for 不平行

  With the worse sth, the minister remains in power……, not to mention the bad campaign of the opposite party.

  23还有最后一道题一个研究suggest天体(复数)什么的,后面是划线部分,楼主选的是A,of which 另外天体(复数),WERE。。。。

  人名 and his team propose the suggestion that……. , but their notions are not…….


  1. The university are rethinking the traditional approaches and discovering the new way to deliver the information to students, including open resource, on-line service and market.

  2. The sb’s decision was manifest in involvement in legislation,B,and C.

  3.There are societies in which doing sth is prerred over sth





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