

GMAT考试作文机经 6月5日更新(九).

2017/08/10 16:15:58 编辑: 浏览次数:68 移动端




  V1(BY: Bachhukali ) 一个报纸提出的选择职业的建议,说是it is unwise去选择self-employd (work at home) than a stable office work. 然后陈述了理由。首先是self-employed会让人经常被distracted, 比如neighbor, baby什么的,然后说work at home会让人有惰性(一个蛮长的词,不认识= =)并且会avoid working,最后说work at home让人没有社交,阻碍了career发展。


  V1. 考的是对于那些在家工作的人的陈述。说他们容易受到外界的影响,在没有计划的情况下容易懈怠不工作,因为一直在家里还很难得到职业发展和晋升的机会等等。。。

  V2. 题目中有单词没读懂,不过不影响整体意思,主要就是在批评在家工作的坏处,先说在家工作会遇到很多让你分心的事,比如手机响,吵闹的邻居还有个什么忘了,然后又说在家工作会让你没有一个schedule并且avoid working,最后说在家工作让人们socially and professionally isolated 以至于不能升职神马的

  V3. 说homeworker的坏处,第一点是什么家庭周围的吵杂声会影响到工作,第二点:人们可能会本能的Avoiding working,第三点:随着Socially and economically isolated ,homeworker will be limitted.

  V4. 是那个homeworker挣得比office worker 少 给了三条理由 第一是会受到很多因素影响工作 如电话 noisy neighbors 第二是人们本身会aviod working 第三是isolated 机会limited

  Generally speaking, it is financially unwise for people quit stable office job and start working from home. It is there are a lot of distractions when people working from home. People working from home tend to procrastinate because there is no discipline. Also, working from home make people isolated. Therore, it is financially more advantageous for people working in the office.It is unwise to quit a stable office job in order to be self-employed and work at home. 给出的理由是,在家办公容易受neighbor影响,没效率,经常avoid working等等。然后又说在家办公isolated with the work place, 对career advancement不好。所以不应该quit stable office job and become self-employed.


  1 在家工作的人会面对更多的abstraction,比如 邻居 电话 家务等等。 2在家工作的人更没有时间计划,更倾向与avoid work 3与社会和人群隔离,会对人的career advance有限制。整个argument都没有举例和调查。


  1 false causal relationship: no correlation

  2 gratuitous assumption no evidence

  3 Either or choice



  V1(BY: jiafeimao673 ) 因为across town的district的三个new business(pizza 店、golf club还有一个忘了)做得很成功,于是某investment firm决定也在他们那个district建立相同的三种new business,并且给Patronize其中两个business的客人第三个business的优惠,这样就可以提高sales也可以提高profitability 了。


  The following appeared as part of the business plan of the Capital Idea investment firm.

  “Across town in the Park Hill district, the Thespian Theater, Pizzazz Pizza, and the Niblick Golf Club have all had business increases within the past two years. Capital Idea should therore invest in the Roxy Playhouse, the Slice-o’-Pizza, and the Divot Golf Club, three new businesses in the Irongate district. As a condition, we should require them to participate in a special program: Any customer who patronizes two of the businesses will receive a substantial discount at the third. By motivating customers to patronize all three, we will thus contribute to the profitability of each and maximize our return.”

  在ParkHill区的Thespian剧院,Pizzazz比萨,Niblick高尔夫俱乐部在过去2年都有业务增长。因此Capital Idea应该投资Poxy剧场,Slic-o比萨和Divot高尔夫俱乐部这3家新的Irongate区的企业。为使他们达到条件,我们应该要求他们参加特殊的项目:任何顾客在其中两家消费将在第三家得到折扣。通过刺激顾客在所有3家店消费,我们将增进每一家的利润,从而使我们的回报最大化。


  1. 过去盈利不代表未来盈利

  2. 已有的盈利不代表新的盈利,供过于求

  3. 这种优惠不一定吸引顾客,因为交通、地理等因素不一定能三家同时光顾



2.GMAT考试作文机经 6月5日更新(十)


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