

GMAT考试语法机经 6月20日更新(一).

2017/08/10 16:14:53 编辑: 浏览次数:190 移动端


【1】Legislation....includes / include.... 考主谓一致


  1. 长句子中,要出现谓语。一个句子要有一个working Verb.

  2. 主语和谓语要make sense together. 此问题常和句尾V-ing相伴随作为考点

  3. 主谓遥远,要一致。常见干扰项目(从句,介词短语,分词状的形容词等)

  5. 主系表结构,双方都为名词时,应是同一属性,make sense. (也是parallelism的问题) 主系表结构,也可以用来表示,A处于一种什么状态。此时,不再需要there be来强调这个状态。

  6. and可以连接两个名词组成复数主语;along with, in addition, as well as, accompanied by等词只是伴随状语,不可做连词。

  7. 就近确定谓语单复数: or, either…or…, neither…nor 【either,neither单独出现时,谓语单数】


  选项有是什么 unlike A,B。但是这个选项比较对象不对 选的好像是 另外一种表达方式 用whereas结果 貌似是!错了表打 我 不过这个知识点大家可以复习一下!



  (1) whereas = while(while前后句子之结构要求并列相对)

  (2) whereas连接的平行比较只要求对比的核心逻辑上有对称关系,不要求对称位置必须是对称名词,下面句子中主从句的主语分别是energy和nuclear power并不是对称名词,但是对比的核心都是“核能发电占总产出能量的份额”:

  如OG12-131 Over 75 percent of the energy produced in France derives from nuclear power, whereas nuclear power accounts for just over 33 percent of the energy produced in Germany.


  (3) 标准书面语中,like/unlike后只加名词(不一定具体名词)表比较,不能加不定式短语,分词短语(prep 1-54 unlike cooking with spes错),句子或介短。(后面接这些东西的时候unlike要改为whereas等等)。

  (4) like/unlike是严格的硬梆梆比较,比较对象必须严格对等,中间不能插入任何成分比如介词短语

  2whereas/while这种连词连接的比较成分不要求含义上绝对的平行,核心意思平行即可具体见prep 1-211。

  【3】 对了,还有一题印象深的呃

  用到了advocate for 固定搭配!(弱弱的问一句 这个搭配是对的吧?)

  然后 这个句子后面是让你选择 是search for/of..

  考点: 类似搭配

  OG 38.1850, Lucretia Mott published her Discourse on Women, arguing in a treatise for women to have equal political and legal rights and for changes in the married women&aposs property laws.

  A. arguing in a treatise for women to have equal political and legal rights

  B. arguing in a treatise for equal political and legal rights for women

  C. a treatise that advocates women&aposs equal political and legal rights.

  D. a treatise advocating women&aposs equal political and legal rights.

  E a treatise that argued for equal political and legal rights for women.

  4. SC 考到了原题(两个狗主考到)

  The continental United States receives an average of 30 inches of precipitation a year; transpiration from soil and from plants returns approximately 21 of the 30 inches to the atmosphere, while the balance of 9 inches contributes to the flow of streams and rivers.

  狗主说是原题,目测没什么错误 。


  Semicolon==>可选择加一些连接副词(therore, however, in addition) 如下: Andrew and Lisa are inseparable; therore, we never see them apart. 再次强调,看清逻辑,是主次关系or并列分句 ==> Right:The dam has created dead zones, where fish have disappeared. Wrong:The dam has created dead zones; fish have disappeared.




3.GMAT考试语法机经 6月20日更新(二)

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