

GMAT考试 7月10日更新GMAT逻辑机经(二).

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  终于换库啦!GMAT考试题库已于2012年7月10日更新。以下是2012年7月的GMAT逻辑机经更新,更新日期从12年7月11日起,澳际留学小编将为您提供最新的GMAT逻辑机经,希望大家多多关注此频道!澳际留学祝大家GMAT考试顺利! 刚换库,题还不是很多,大家先尝尝鲜!更多相关问题可咨询澳际留学在线专家,如果有任何意见和建议,也请联系我们。

 5.逻辑有道题见过的,就是罗马挖出了一堆农耕时代的文物,有各种小动物,由于这个城市城市没有这种动物,同时期的别的城市有,所以猜测是由游历各城的工匠带过来的。(by yuanyuanblue (ID: 496583) )



  114. (25146-!-item-!-188;#058&001219) (GWD 23-Q32)

  Excavations of the Roman city of Sepphoris have uncovered numerous detailed mosaics depicting several readily identifiable animal species: a hare, a partridge, and various Mediterranean fish. Oddly, most of the species represented did not live in the Sepphoris region when these mosaics were created. Since identical motifs appear in mosaics found in other Roman cities, however, the mosaics of Sepphoris were very likely created by traveling artisans from some other part of the Roman Empire.

  Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

  A. The Sepphoris mosaics are not composed exclusively of types of stones found naturally in the Sepphoris area.

  B. There is no single region to which all the species depicted in the Sepphoris mosaics are native.

  C. No motifs appear in the Sepphoris mosaics that do not also appear in the mosaics of some other Roman city.

  D. All of the animal figures in the Sepphoris mosaics are readily identifiable as representations of known species.

  E. There was not a common repertory of mosaic designs with which artisans who lived in various parts of the Roman Empire were familiar.

  6.唯一看不懂的:村子边上一个湖出产一种特色鱼,所以经常有人来偷捕,然后渔民就组织反偷捕行动。然后说因为政府不给偷捕者XXX,村民又怎么着了XXX,所以以后都不会有偷捕者了。(全是不认识词,看的我想去死) (by 雪蓝枫 (ID: 719297) )

  7.两种戒烟药,一种处方药一种非处方药(处方这个词早上才看过所以才认识),非处方药卖的贵市场占有率低。说如果非处方药降价那市场占有率就会提高。问支持。 (by 雪蓝枫 (ID: 719297) )


  8.碰到个自己有知识背景的:CCFL(就是荧光灯管)和LED(发光二级管)比较,LED使用时间很长,但是价格比5个CCFL还多。 问根据文章哪些事可能发生。 (by 雪蓝枫 (ID: 719297) )

  答:我选的 LED会被用在换灯泡很难或者很贵的地方。还有个选项说LED未来会降价来与CCFL竞争

  8.如果一个人每天睡眠少55%持续几周,那么防御病毒的细胞活性就会降低30%(似乎是这个数),然后说细胞活性降低30%的防病毒细胞会让人更容易得病(似乎是)。问支持。 (by 雪蓝枫 (ID: 719297) )


  V2说55%少睡觉影响30% cell activity rate, But viral disease的致病率不变。 explain/conclusion (by zbbw211 (ID: 735077) )

  explain: 只要cell protect只要活性达到70%以上

  conclusion 55%少睡觉不一定lead to viral disease

  V3 JJ里那篇少睡55%的人某种cell会活动下降30%,但好像这种下降对于cell抗病的作用没有影响。问可以推断出什么?(by yangzidana

9.好像还有一个治癌症的药,结论是需要大范围发药做实验。问支持。 (by 雪蓝枫 (ID: 719297) )



1.GMAT机经汇总 6月5日更新GMAT逻辑机经

2.GMAT考试 7月10日更新GMAT逻辑机经(一)


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